


Simple English definitions for legal terms

constitutional guarantee

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A quick definition of constitutional guarantee:

A constitutional guarantee is a promise made in the United States Constitution that establishes a right that cannot be taken away, such as the right to a fair trial. It is a protection that is built into the Constitution to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and equally under the law.

A more thorough explanation:

A constitutional guarantee is a promise that is included in the United States Constitution. This promise supports or establishes an inalienable right, such as the right to due process.

These examples illustrate how the Constitution guarantees certain rights to all citizens. These rights cannot be taken away or violated without due process of law.

constitutional freedom | constitutionalize


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Hey its an impressive school
Ohio State is a good school, and definitely not in the South.
yeah exactly lmao
@aziza: jesus how much was the first deposit
yeah they smoking crack aint no way lmao
jesus i had no clue their deposit was that high
i know a fair few from my UG (state school in NC) ended up there, only ever encountered one lawyer who went there in ATL
id hang on to Howard until they said no or yes. their outcomes gap between Howard and Elon justifies it imo
i concur with WID
no i get that, im literally trying to hold on. My partner is going to be moving w me too so the last minute decision to go out of state versus staying in state to go to elon would make all the diffference
Ohio might as well be the South
Im also fearful that by the time i hear back from them, housing that accepts student loans as proof of income will be all taken and im planning on going no contact w my family so thats beat
NC's kinda rough. The outcome gap between Duke/UNC/WFU and the other law schools in state is nuts
It wouldve been cool to see if I couldve gotten into some reaches, not that my stats are great, but I figured I would save application money after getting into South Carolina so quickly
you'd probably get some decent options if you applied widely earlier in the cycle
i work w a attorney that went to elon and she complained ab a 17$ pack of chicken at costco so im actually petrified
not that USC and GSU are bad options, didn't mean to imply that
Campbell and Elon are both, like, fine, right? Not incredibly prestigious but if you want to work as an attorney in NC not bad or predatory
Dunno how you feel about student housing. Howard hasn't opened their application yet and they typically don't run out of space.
I wouldnt say predetory at all. NC jobs in itsself is a whirlwind. I want to go into big law, and the only clinic elon offers is the small business clinic
yeah they're fine. i'd compare them to mercer in GA. not predatory, you can get legal jobs from them.
FL's equivalent is Stetson
Mercer WL me.. And student living is a no for me. Ive had so many roomate problems and issues w student housing going to a MSI, Howard is literally knows for their student housing but in the worst way possible
@Mountaineer99: oh don't worry, I didn't take it that way at all. I just loved Georgia State when I visited and knew I wanted to go there, which is why I didn't reach. If I had started my applications earlier in the cycle I probably would have. Also would have taken the LSAT again I kinda screwed up on it
@aziza: Ah, that explains why Howard usually has student housing available.
bruh i just need them to accept me today. I had to argue my case with my partner last night about extending the time I wait for them to respond
@aziza: if you're biglaw or bust i wouln't go to Elon. I'd only go there if you'd be willing to work at small firms for a bit and maybe lateral up later.
Thats what im saying!!! Im like so concerned it isnt the right move for me. I hope that howard admissions works all day tbh, I feel like they should have gotten to my app by now. its UR2 atp
wait howard has grad housing?
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