


Simple English definitions for legal terms

fair trial

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A quick definition of fair trial:

A fair trial is when a judge and jury listen to both sides of a case and make a decision based on the facts presented. It is important that everyone involved follows the rules and that the defendant's rights are respected. This is especially important in criminal trials.

A more thorough explanation:

A fair trial is a legal proceeding that is conducted by an impartial and unbiased court or tribunal, following regular procedures. It is especially important in criminal cases, where the defendant's constitutional and legal rights must be respected.

For example, a fair trial would ensure that the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty, has the right to legal representation, and is given the opportunity to present evidence and cross-examine witnesses. The judge or jury must also be impartial and not have any personal interest or bias in the case.

Another example of a fair trial is one where the defendant is not subjected to any form of coercion or duress, and is given a reasonable opportunity to prepare their defense. The trial must also be conducted in a public forum, where the proceedings are open to the public and the media.

Overall, a fair trial is essential to ensure that justice is served and that the rights of the accused are protected. It is a fundamental principle of the legal system in many countries around the world.

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i just sent another loci to gulc
i think i sent my first loci too early. it was at the end of jan
What should I say to make my second LOCI different than my first? I kinda already professed my love to them and updated on what I’ve been up to
Just a short check in an reiterate that you’d attend their school over all your other options
good morning yall another day another scream into the void
Does anybody know how much a managing partner at a big law firm would make?
I think starts at like 2 mil?
Managing partner at like a Kirkland or Skadden office has gotta make significantly more than that
if i dont get a call from dean z today im gonna start doing rituals in addition to the nail painting pigeon religion ive started
wow 11 acceptances 11 rejections and 11 waitlists on the daily total rn :o
@Ijustwannagetinman: when you build up seniority i think they cap out around 20m
Managing partner is diff it's like CEO sorry if that wasn't clear but was asking abt that specifically
does anyone know if there is decent earning potential for family law?
not to be annoying but how would you define decent earning potential
Oh okay I didn’t know that, thank you
nah good question. Like 100k+
Yeah just start your own shingle and make 500k a year
You would probably start out around 100k if you attended a T50
super cursory google search says the average family law attorney in nyc makes 110k a year
yeah I saw that too its just people on reddit have been telling me average is like 50-60k along with criminal law so I was confused
i think as always its going to depend on a number of factors. $110k in nyc really doesnt go as far and people would say that is similar to making like 50/60k in chicago or pittsburgh
very true. thanks!
if i have a non law related summer job lined up but i am on some waitlists should i try to find a law-y project of some type to work on
110k only doesn’t seem like that much bc of the whole culture of nyc being a whole “keeping up with the jones’” vibe
Everyone needs that doorman apartment. Everyone needs a bottega bag. Everybody needs to eat out 4 times on the weeks and drop $30 on a cocktail. Obviously not everybody needs that but that’s as much of the problem of nyc as living expenses and why ppl think money doesn’t go as far as it can
my brother in christ have you seen the cost of rent
I lived in New York ik but a lot of the issue is exaggerated like 110k in New York is not 60k in Chicago lol
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