


Simple English definitions for legal terms


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A quick definition of child:

Child: A child is someone who is younger than 18 years old. They have fewer rights and responsibilities than adults. In family law, a child is the son or daughter of one or both parents. When parents get divorced, they have to decide who will take care of the child, when the child will see each parent, and how much money each parent will give to support the child. Even if a person is older than 18, they can still be considered a child in family law if they are still in college.

A more thorough explanation:

Under the law, a child is a person who is below the legal age or the age of majority. In most states, the age of majority is 18. This means that children have fewer rights and responsibilities than adults.

In family law, a child is the biological or adopted offspring of one or both parents. In the case of divorce, the child is considered an ancillary issue to the litigation. This means that before the divorce can be finalized, all issues regarding the child, such as custody, visitation, and child support, must be decided.

For example, if a couple with a child decides to get a divorce, they must come to an agreement about who will have custody of the child and how much child support will be paid. The child's well-being is the most important factor in these decisions.

It's important to note that the age of majority varies from state to state and from country to country. In some places, the age of majority is 21, while in others it may be as low as 16.

Overall, a child is a young person who is still developing and growing. They require special care and attention from adults to ensure their well-being and success in life.

Chief Justice | child custody


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@manifestT14acceptances: if you can get HLS to move with some more WL acceptances, I may just have a spot to give you
bbl drizzy
bbl drizzayyy
genuinely i don't consider conditional scholarships real scholarships
basically considered the only real part of the GSU scholarship the unconditional $5k
I think that GSU gives you preference on getting the GA jobs but I could be wrong. I asked them when I visited how competitive they are and the tour guide didn't have a good answer
the GSU scholly I mean, giving you preference
sure, but that's a job i have to work to keep the scholarship instead of being a law clerk at a firm or some shit
it removes flexibility from my life
That's true, you would have to work, but GSU for nearly free would be worth it to me
full nelson spinebuster tombstone piledriver dead
one of the most underrated schools in the country
idk, i like GSU a lot but the way they do scholarships seriously turned me off
mountaineer do you wanna face mysterio for the intercontinental belt or wait for MiTB to try and get the contract
im booking ur promos rn
idk enough about wrestling to answer but fuck it intercontinental belt
i wish people would use this website again
just have to wait for next cycle to ramp up friend
maybe the real cycle was the friends we made along the way
they not like us ;)
Has anyone heard back from UConn WL?
but next cycles will be a whole new cast of characters
how do you handle a summer job, do you have to find a 3 month lease in a new city
that sounds not fun
RIP i have to find summer housing on cape cod to stay at my firm pray for me
gl king
praying for your success
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