


Simple English definitions for legal terms

basic mistake

Read a random definition: justicia errante

A quick definition of basic mistake:

A basic mistake is when someone has an incorrect belief about something important in a contract or transaction. This mistake can be about a fact or the law. If the mistake is serious enough, it can make the agreement invalid. A basic mistake can be made by one person or both people involved in the contract.

A more thorough explanation:

A basic mistake is an error, misconception, or misunderstanding that forms the basis of a transaction. It can be a mistake of fact or law and can be made by one or both parties to a contract. If the mistake is serious enough, it can render the contract voidable.

  • Party A sells a car to Party B, believing it to be in good working condition. However, the car has a major mechanical issue that Party A was unaware of. This is a mistake of fact and could be grounds for Party B to void the contract.
  • Party A and Party B enter into a contract, but Party A misunderstands the legal implications of a key term. This is a mistake of law and could be grounds for Party A to void the contract.

These examples illustrate how a basic mistake can affect the validity of a contract. If one party is operating under a mistaken belief, it can undermine the mutual understanding necessary for a contract to be enforceable.

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Inshallah. The unstoppable ties of Islam continues
I think it's joever for me
She did mention that perhaps they’ll do more waves this week
What does you last name start with if you don't mind?
That's what we wanna hear
Congrats scorpion!
I will call off my fatwa against KJ for the time being
Thank you
@MoldyUselessDeer: did you get the call too?
@GreenJumbledScorpion: inshAllah!!
Haven't heard anything here yet
What’s the conversion rate of feeler to A
Like 100%
Unless you say "well idk i might just stick with stanford"
They did say "limited number" of As today which makes me think it's probably going to be a small wave today
It’s either this week or the third
just want to be done with the torture of waiting. waiting on hls, interviewed last week, and haven't deposited anywhere
chicago and berkeley please!
could use some nice positive updates from them
GULC starting to purge the WL looks like
wow i can't believe they're purging the double secret probation waitlist
should have gotten on the triple platinum double secret probation WL
wait dang
already Ring people sad
more like boretown
looks like only one person so far, maybe people who forgot to do the feeler responses
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