

Everything you need to know about the LSAC fee waiver.

Information on who qualifies, how much they are really worth, and why you should apply.
Tags: applying to law school, free, fee waiver, save money, LSAC
Apr 2, 2023

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. How the LSAC Fee Waiver Works
  3. What the LSAC Fee Waiver gives you
  4. Additional Benefits (Fee App Fees and Free Prep Course!)
  5. How to Apply
  6. When to Apply
  7. How Long Does it Take to Apply
  8. Who Qualifies
  9. Incomes Thresholds
  10. Related Articles

Introduction. A Guide to the LSAC Fee Waiver

All applicants to law school must register for the Credential Assembly Service (CAS). The CAS is required by nearly all law schools in the United States. The fee for CAS registration is $195 and it is good for 5 years.

The Law School Admission Council (LSAC) streamlines the application process by collecting all transcripts, letters of recommendation, and other required documents for law school admission applications. This documentation is standardized and compiled into a Law School Report. The Report, along with LSAT score and other relevant information, is required to be submitted with every law school application.

CAS registration is included in both tiers of LSAC Fee Waiver

How the LSAC Fee Waiver Works:

A very important note is that fees previously paid cannot be waived retroactively, and no refunds will be issued. That means that you should apply for a fee waiver as soon as you think you might apply to Law School. 

The LSAC fee waiver program is designed for law school candidates who are financially under-resourced, with the goal of increasing equity and access to legal education. 

In order to increase the number of fee waiver applicants we can assist, LSAC has updated their fee waiver program for the 2022 - 2023 cohort to recognize different levels of financial need. There is now a two-tiered benefit system to assist applicants of varying economic circumstances in receiving two levels of fee waiver benefits.

Product fees you can get for free if you get a waiver:

# Free with Tier 1

Tier 1 Value

# Free with Tier 2

Tier 2 Value

LSAT Test Fees


$ 430


$ 215

CAS Registration (Good for 5 years)


$ 195


$ 195

Law School Reports


$ 270


$ 135

LSAT Prep Plus (Good for 1 year) 


$ 99


$ 99

Score Preview


$ 45


$ 45

To learn more about any aspects of the LSAT, check out our LSAT Article.

Additional Benefits of applying for a Fee waiver:

The major benefit is that many schools will waive their application fee automatically if you receive an LSAC fee waiver. 

The average LSD user applies to 8 schools, and most schools with application fees cost about $80. That means that getting a fee waiver can save you an additional $640 on top of all the LSAC fees. 

Additionally, some test prep companies will provide free courses for people who received LSAC fee waivers. Powerscore will give anyone who got a fee waiver and is retaking the LSAT a free PowerScore On-Demand LSAT course . Three months of which are worth $740

Overall, a Tier 1 LSAC fee waiver can easily be worth: $2,419

And a Tier 2 LSAC fee waiver can easily be worth: $2,069

How to apply for a fee waiver:

You will have to apply on your LSAC portal provide your prior year’s tax paperwork to the LSAC in order to get qualified for a fee waiver. If you are from the US and you did not file taxes in the previous year then you will need to request a verification of non-filing from the IRS. 

Note: you cannot request a verification of non-filing until June 15th for the previous tax year, and you should receive it within 5-10 calendar days according to the IRS.

When to apply for an LSAC fee waiver:

At a minimum, you must submit your fee waiver application to the LSAC at least 6-weeks prior to the registration deadline for the LSAT you are going to take. 

Since (a small) part of the benefit of the fee waiver is the LSAT Prep Plus, you should consider applying for the fee waiver at least 6-months prior to the registration deadline to give yourself plenty of time to study. 

How long does it take for your LSAC fee waiver to be approved:

The review process is usually completed by LSAC within one week after receipt of your supporting documentation. 

If you get denied, you can appeal the decision once to LSAC. The LSAC often approves appeals so we recommend giving yourself time to appeal. The review process usually takes 3-weeks. 

Your LSAC file will be placed on hold while LSAC reviews your application and supporting documentation. Even if your file is on hold, you may proceed to take the LSAT. However, your LSAT score will not be released to you or any law schools until your application is fully approved or, if denied, applicable fees are paid.

Since fees previously paid cannot be waived retroactively, and no refunds will be issued. The LSAC (and we) encourage you NOT to submit payment while you’re waiting for LSAC's decision.

Who Qualifies:

The LSAC uses federal poverty guidelines to determine preliminary eligibility. Additionally, the LSAC breaks candidates into two categories, Independent and Dependent. 

You can check your status by filling out the first step of the fee waiver application.

An independent candidate earning up to 250% of the federal poverty guidelines may be eligible for the Tier 1 fee waiver package.

An independent candidate earning 250-300% of the poverty guidelines may be eligible for the Tier 2 fee waiver package.

Tier 1

Tier 2


Under 250% of federal poverty guidelines

Between 250% and 300% of federal poverty guidelines


Your income is under 150% of federal poverty guidelines


Your income plus guardians’ income is under 300% of federal poverty guidelines

Your income is under 200% of federal poverty guidelines


Your income plus guardians’ income is under 300%-350% of federal poverty guidelines

Keep in mind that these are just preliminary guidelines. You can get approved if your income falls outside of these thresholds. The purpose of the fee waiver is to break down the barrier to success in the law school application process. If LSAC fees are creating a barrier, then we strongly recommend applying.

Note: The fee waiver criteria also include maximum asset and cash balance levels and other factors LSAC may consider in its sole discretion. The income levels outlined above do not guarantee approval. 

Independent Candidates income for the LSAC fee waiver:

For unmarried candidates without dependents the LSAT and LSAC fee waiver income limit thresholds in 2022 are:

Poverty Guideline (2022)

Tier 1 income limit (250%)

Tier 2 income limit (300%)




These numbers increase if you live in Alaska or Hawaii. They also increase if you are married or have children. You can find the full table from HHS here.

Dependent Candidates income for the LSAC fee waiver:

If the LSAC determines that you are a dependent candidate, then you fall into a different income limit category in 2022. 

For dependent candidates, the income threshold for LSAC fee waivers are:

People in Family

Poverty Guideline (2022)

Tier 1 income limit (300%)

Tier 2 income limit (350%)


$ 18,310

$ 54,930

$ 64,085


$ 23,030

$ 69,090

$ 80,605


$ 27,750

$ 83,250

$ 97,125


$ 32,470

$ 97,410

$ 113,645

These numbers increase if you live in Alaska or Hawaii. They also increase if you have more than 5 people in your family unit. You can find the full table here.

Related Articles

  1. Law School Admissions Reddit
  2. What is the LSAT
  3. Timeline to Apply to Law School
Windsor MIT '22, Harvard College Advisor

I am the half of LSD that didn't take the LSAT, or go to law school (Sorry about that). But I did go to MIT business school while surrounded by law students and lawyers, so I am somewhat qualified to talk about the intricacies of law school apps and finances.

Windsor (the dog) didn't write this but he WAS a Resident Tutor and career advisor at Harvard College with me, so deserves some credit.


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questioning whether i go to school for free at a lesser school or pay some out of pocket at a better name for the same degree at end of the day, the numbers don't lie
@DisillusionedHomelessWalnut: The way the curve works is a below-median student at Tennessee (curves to a 3.1, so B/B+) can end up with a better GPA than an above-average student at Elon (curves to a 2.67/B-minus), so the student from Tennessee will have a better transcript *and* get better jobs on average than someone with the same class rank at Elon
Your real alarm bell is Elon's curve (linked here, p. 70 https://eloncdn.blob.core.windows.net/eu3/sites/996/2019/07/2017-2018_Academic_Catalog-and-Student_Handbook.pdf) *requires* profs to give 20% of first-year students a C-minus or worse, when the school's bar for "satisfactory academic progress" is a C+ average
ooooffff. thanks. i mean, full ride is cool and all, but damn
The only scenario where a school does something like that (curve to a 2.67, dismiss students below 2.25) is when they're admitting a lot of students who may not pass the bar, then flunking people out mercilessly so the school can keep its accreditation (ABA requires 75% of grads to pass the bar within two years, can't fail the bar if the school doesn't let you graduate)
the dean told me "no students had their scholarships reduced in the past three years, and to my recollection only one scholarship in 19 years has been reduced when a student was in good standing"
yeah, i get that and appreciate you validating that point. i like to think it really wouldn't apply to me and assume it happens due to the lower standards of admissions they utilize, but is it (full ride) worth the risk? that's the fly in the ointment
just trying to weigh all angles, seems like just biting the bullet and paying the modest amount to UTK is a smarter decision
end of cycle is for the birds, but i'm playing the hand i was dealt :)
In general you are going to be better off at a school that wants its students to succeed. UTK seems to fit the description - they are not in any danger of losing their accreditation, don't need to force people out. Elon very much does not, if their bar passage drops 2% they'll be in violation of ABA requirements so they won't give students any leway
i appreciate your insight, friend
im too lazy to provide the same level of detail as JB but I agree UTK seems like a better bet to actually achieve your career goals and set yourself up for success. I would understand being conflicted if it were like UTK vs Belmont or a lower ranked school that isn't considered predatory but because it's Elon that makes it more clear to me
thank you
the counterpoint bouncing around my head is basically "if i'm worth a damn, as i think i am, i'll be just fine no matter what the curve is" but you folks are nudging me in the direction of logic and common sense
plenty of the people who fall behind are worth a damn it's just that some schools are basically set up to screw people over
yeah. fall behind as in....miss homework? can't keep up with readings? something else?
kinda nervous coming in as an untraditional guy around KJD's, billy madison vibes over here
Re: costs, it's worth looking at costs all around, both schools cost (net tuition, $0 at Elon/$30K over 3 years if you're in-state at UTK) PLUS three years not earning money or advancing in your career, which is worth 6 figures if you make decent money now. $30K in tuition is a small share of total costs in this comparison
"Fall behind" in this context means law school curves are rigid, no matter how hard everyone studies half the class will be below-median, 25% in the bottom quarter, etc. It's not super predictable either, so a student above GPA or LSAT median could still end up bottom half or 1/4 of the class
gotcha. predatory in that instance is certainly appropriate
i am not kjd but im glad jb cleared that up for you lmao
And assuming similar class rank, UTK grads tend to do better in public data. Top students at UTK have a shot at biglaw (pays $225K), top students at Elon end up at small/medium firms (worse pay). Average students at UTK can get jobs at small/medium firms, average students at Elon are on the bubble for any firm job at all. Below-average students at UTK have a shot at firm jobs or other work, below-average students at Elon might not get jobs (or pass the bar, or avoid academic dismissal). That's the major advantage of well-regarded schools - more upside, less downside
but yeah just reiterating that you could be worth so many damns and still not do well because its set up for that
(This is ignoring public service/government jobs, because the stats there don't tell us much about the type of job - "super competitive Department of Justice job in DC making $90K" and "local government job earning $50K" both get lumped together under the "public service" label, but say v. different things about a school's job placement
really appreciate all the insight
for those going to school in fall 24 when did you add your school to your linkedin profile
add as soon as you get in! :)
it's like a little micro celebration!
Anyone else here plan on practicing around PDX?
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