

Interacting Effectively with Law Schools

A Handy Guide on How to Not Become “That Guy"
Aug 25, 2023

About the Author:

Melody Weigel is the Associate Director of Admissions at Wake Forest School of Law.

Table of Contents

  1. The Bottom Line
  2. Who Actually is the Admissions Team?
  3. Who Will I Actually be Talking To?
  4. Knowing the Admissions Office Structure
  5. How to Connect with the Admissions Team
  6. Attending an Event
  7. Right Before You Apply
  8. After you are Accepted
  9. About Wake Forest University Law School

The Bottom Line

Before I deep dive into a career’s worth of horror stories and cringe-worthy moments, I would like to establish a universal truth and key takeaway, your TL:DR moment; law school admissions offices ACTUALLY DO want to answer your questions and help you vet, apply, and matriculate to law school. Period, end of sentence.  

Still reading? Fantastic, because there’s a lot of ways to make this process work for you, but a few notable ways to make this a terribly uphill journey.

Who Actually is the Admissions Team?

Let’s start with some context. Who are you talking to? The typical admissions office consists of 3-5 admissions professionals, but could be as small as a single person. Obviously, this varies school to school.  

Here’s a quick visualization. The levels of interactions you have with various touch points along the way can be clearly illustrated as a pyramid, with the most infrequent interaction at the top, and most likely at the bottom, of course, adjusting the levels depending on the size of the office.

Picture your pyramid, as described above:

  1. Dean/Director of Admission
  2. Faculty
  3. Students
  4. Assistant/Associate Director of Admissions
  5. Admissions Counselors
  6. Pre-law Advisors

Understanding how small these offices can be is critically important. As an applicant, you never know who is going to answer the phone, it might be the dean of admissions, or it might be a student worker. As a prospective student, your approach and response should be exactly the same—polite! This seems obvious right? Well, we’ve all met that guy who wants to jump straight to the boss and have the same answer repeated to them from someone they feel is more important. Don’t be that guy!

Who Will I Actually be Talking To?

Typically, an admissions office will hire current law school students to support the work of the department. These students are living the life you hope to have one day so they are a very valuable asset and resource. If you receive a response to your email or phone call by a student—congratulations, you have a wealth of knowledge at your disposal. If you have questions they can’t answer, write them down and ask them to an admissions professional or financial aid advisor as a second touchpoint. Students often provide tours as well, feel free to ask them about their experiences, some good examples include adjusting to study schedules or fun activities on campus.

It’s not uncommon during the peak of recruitment for an office to hire a seasonal recruiter. What’s that, you’re probably wondering. A seasonal recruiter is typically a recent graduate who travels around the country speaking to prospective students. They know a lot! However, if you occasionally receive the answer, “You might want to email the office about that one,” you absolutely should. You’ve been provided an invitation to speak directly with the admissions office about an advanced-level question. Jump on that opportunity, and let the office know you spoke with a great human who was representing the school superbly and they recommended you reach out. As you can see, there’s an inverse approach to how to begin that email, or not send one at all, lead with positivity.

Why is it so important that I know about the AdCom office structure?

The intent, dear reader, is so you can understand that if someone is rude, kurt, testy, or just a jerk to one of us, we all know. We talk, we communicate, we share our day. Spicy students get way more airtime than perfectly pleasant students (and not in a good way). Attempting to stand out is a theme of many articles online and I firmly believe they omit a large classification of standouts—the ones gone wrong. This is a category where you don’t want us all to know your name. Don’t become a notorious applicant. Don’t be that guy.

How to Connect with the Admissions Team?

Let’s back up a moment and cover some of the basics about where you can meet some fabulous people who can make your ambitions of a legal career a reality.

The biggest one-stop shop to gather information and speak with a law school representative is at LSAC-hosted Forums. These events are hosted in the largest cities across the country in the late summer and fall. There are even a couple of digital events now if this is more accessible for you. Almost every law school in the country attends these forums. This is a great opportunity to explore, ask questions, and gather information. My biggest piece of advice is to challenge yourself to speak to new schools in new states, and get outside of your comfort zone. If the line is around the block at a T14 school, save your time to visit a few other booths. Just like Disney World, you can only ride so many rides during your time there. This is your chance to visit hard-to-access schools you wouldn’t be able to visit on your own. Is your first choice law school in your hometown, or a county over, don’t spend this precious time connecting with them here, but instead reach out to them outside of this event.

If you haven’t graduated yet, another strong option for many students is to attend on-campus law fairs, graduate and professional degree fairs, or occasionally a career fair at your school. Ask your pre-law advisor or career services office about the list provided and the typical month these are hosted. Mark your calendar and loop back when plans have firmed up.

Great, you plan on attending an event!

This is typically a two-way street for both you and the law school. You are looking to gain more information and get a little FaceTime to answer your questions, and maybe even a fee waiver. Help yourself to the informational material (that’s why we packed it). [Brief Aside: at in-person events, don’t be afraid to ask for a fee waiver, BUT don’t make that the first or second question. End the conversation with your ask.] The school is also looking to gather information about who they spoke to. We need to 1) justify our reasons for attending this location 2) get a sense of our prospective student pool. As such, kindly and neatly complete any info card or form provided by the school either during or after your chat. Completion might just be required for that fee waiver too.

You’re narrowing your search, this is good! If you haven’t already, it’s time to read the website and start writing down questions. Mark off the ones you find answers to, because you’ll bring the remaining ones with you when you schedule a tour or phone call. I get it, you might not be able to travel across the country for a campus tour, so instead focus on what is accessible to you.

Final Phase Before Applying

During this next phase of networking with the office, you might have a tour provided by students or staff. You also have the option to make special requests prior to your visit—would you like to sit in on a class, or maybe speak to a professor in your area of interest? These things might be possible, but they also might not be available at certain times of the year. There is no harm in asking nicely. It is up to you to do your research on faculty, and even better if you coordinate your own appointment and reach out to them using the contact information on the website.

You’ve applied! Yes, the waiting game is awful—I know, I’m sorry. During this time it is key to read your emails and portal for updates. If your questions are not answered, it is permissible to call the office for an update. I would like to stress that you should play this card strategically. Admissions professionals don’t mind if you call (but do not call daily), and if two months have passed, sure you can touch base again. What I am cautioning here are students who call every week or two. The office may be able to render decisions on applications if we are not answering the same question three dozen times in one day. Keep in mind you are one applicant in hundreds, if not thousands, so you are not the only one making that call.

Fast-Forward to Acceptance!

Let’s fast forward a bit. Let’s assume you did all of your research and were accepted at your top five schools, and you deposited at two as you wrestle with the decision of where you want to spend your next three years. This window is very important, and the devil is in the details. Ensure you are reading the fine print to make sure you are eligible to put down multiple offers. It’s fairly common for people to do this as they research data points that they didn’t consider in the application process, or attend admitted student events to compare the experience with their future peers. When it’s time to lock yourself in, please email or call any other schools to withdraw. This step is important for record keeping, and frequently allows for accepting another student.

Good Luck! (AdComs Want to Help, I Promise)

Knowing what happens behind the curtain helps us all work together, hopefully for positive outcomes. Admissions professionals want to cheer you along this journey, but we need your help! While I’m certain my readers will always be polite and kind during their interactions with admissions offices around the country, we all are currently picturing a person we’ve met who might not get the memo. You are welcome to forward this article to that guy.

About Wake Forest School of Law:

Wake Forest Law seeks to advance the cause of justice by creating knowledge and educating students to meet the legal needs of the world with confidence, character, and creativity. We instill in students a respect for the law, a devotion to the ideal of service, and a commitment to professional values. We educate students from around the world in a richly diverse, equitable, and inclusive community.

What Melody loves about Wake Forest Law:

What impresses me so much about Wake Forest Law—and especially its students—is the commitment to bettering the world. Wake Forest’s motto, Pro Humanitate, permeates the entire community. From doing pro bono work, to working with clients in our many clinics, to volunteering in Winston-Salem, our students really do “walk the walk” of Pro Humanitate.

Check out Wake Forest Law's LSData Profile

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MelodyWeigel WFU Law Admissions

Melody has worked in law school admissions for over 7 years. She currently serves as Associate Director of Admissions at Wake Forest School of Law. When she isn't busy reviewing your applications she can be found spending time with her adorable corgi, Pebble.


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questioning whether i go to school for free at a lesser school or pay some out of pocket at a better name for the same degree at end of the day, the numbers don't lie
@DisillusionedHomelessWalnut: The way the curve works is a below-median student at Tennessee (curves to a 3.1, so B/B+) can end up with a better GPA than an above-average student at Elon (curves to a 2.67/B-minus), so the student from Tennessee will have a better transcript *and* get better jobs on average than someone with the same class rank at Elon
Your real alarm bell is Elon's curve (linked here, p. 70 https://eloncdn.blob.core.windows.net/eu3/sites/996/2019/07/2017-2018_Academic_Catalog-and-Student_Handbook.pdf) *requires* profs to give 20% of first-year students a C-minus or worse, when the school's bar for "satisfactory academic progress" is a C+ average
ooooffff. thanks. i mean, full ride is cool and all, but damn
The only scenario where a school does something like that (curve to a 2.67, dismiss students below 2.25) is when they're admitting a lot of students who may not pass the bar, then flunking people out mercilessly so the school can keep its accreditation (ABA requires 75% of grads to pass the bar within two years, can't fail the bar if the school doesn't let you graduate)
the dean told me "no students had their scholarships reduced in the past three years, and to my recollection only one scholarship in 19 years has been reduced when a student was in good standing"
yeah, i get that and appreciate you validating that point. i like to think it really wouldn't apply to me and assume it happens due to the lower standards of admissions they utilize, but is it (full ride) worth the risk? that's the fly in the ointment
just trying to weigh all angles, seems like just biting the bullet and paying the modest amount to UTK is a smarter decision
end of cycle is for the birds, but i'm playing the hand i was dealt :)
In general you are going to be better off at a school that wants its students to succeed. UTK seems to fit the description - they are not in any danger of losing their accreditation, don't need to force people out. Elon very much does not, if their bar passage drops 2% they'll be in violation of ABA requirements so they won't give students any leway
i appreciate your insight, friend
im too lazy to provide the same level of detail as JB but I agree UTK seems like a better bet to actually achieve your career goals and set yourself up for success. I would understand being conflicted if it were like UTK vs Belmont or a lower ranked school that isn't considered predatory but because it's Elon that makes it more clear to me
thank you
the counterpoint bouncing around my head is basically "if i'm worth a damn, as i think i am, i'll be just fine no matter what the curve is" but you folks are nudging me in the direction of logic and common sense
plenty of the people who fall behind are worth a damn it's just that some schools are basically set up to screw people over
yeah. fall behind as in....miss homework? can't keep up with readings? something else?
kinda nervous coming in as an untraditional guy around KJD's, billy madison vibes over here
Re: costs, it's worth looking at costs all around, both schools cost (net tuition, $0 at Elon/$30K over 3 years if you're in-state at UTK) PLUS three years not earning money or advancing in your career, which is worth 6 figures if you make decent money now. $30K in tuition is a small share of total costs in this comparison
"Fall behind" in this context means law school curves are rigid, no matter how hard everyone studies half the class will be below-median, 25% in the bottom quarter, etc. It's not super predictable either, so a student above GPA or LSAT median could still end up bottom half or 1/4 of the class
gotcha. predatory in that instance is certainly appropriate
i am not kjd but im glad jb cleared that up for you lmao
And assuming similar class rank, UTK grads tend to do better in public data. Top students at UTK have a shot at biglaw (pays $225K), top students at Elon end up at small/medium firms (worse pay). Average students at UTK can get jobs at small/medium firms, average students at Elon are on the bubble for any firm job at all. Below-average students at UTK have a shot at firm jobs or other work, below-average students at Elon might not get jobs (or pass the bar, or avoid academic dismissal). That's the major advantage of well-regarded schools - more upside, less downside
but yeah just reiterating that you could be worth so many damns and still not do well because its set up for that
(This is ignoring public service/government jobs, because the stats there don't tell us much about the type of job - "super competitive Department of Justice job in DC making $90K" and "local government job earning $50K" both get lumped together under the "public service" label, but say v. different things about a school's job placement
really appreciate all the insight
for those going to school in fall 24 when did you add your school to your linkedin profile
add as soon as you get in! :)
it's like a little micro celebration!
Anyone else here plan on practicing around PDX?
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