

Denver Law School

Rank 89 (USNWR 2024)
Median LSAT
Median GPA
Acceptance rate

Also known as

  • Denver Law School
  • University of Denver
  • DU Sturm

Denver Law School is a law school located in Denver, Colorado. The school was ranked 89 in 2024 by USNWR. Annual enrollment for Denver Law School is approximately 280.

Admissions website: https://www.law.du.edu/admissions

Admissions email: admissions@law.du.edu

Admissions phone: 303.871.6135

Can I get into Denver Law School with aGPA andLSAT?

Denver Law School Key Statistics

Previous year ABA 509 data
Percentiles 25 50 75
LSAT 156 160 162
GPA 3.27 3.6 3.75
Miscellaneous Count Percentile
# Applications 2094 67
# Admissions offers 1015 -
Class size 280 86
% Accepted 48.5% 37
% Yield 27.2% 37

During the 2024 application cycle, 2,094 people applied and 1,015 were offered admission.

University of Denver has a 1L class size of 280, and yield of 27.19%. 276 out of 1,015 applicants who were offered admission accepted, meaning that 27.19% of the people who were offered admission ended up attending the school.

The 1L class at University of Denver has a median LSAT of 160. The 25th percentile LSAT is 156 and the 75th percentile LSAT is 162.

The median GPA is 3.58. The 25th percentile GPA is 3.31 and the 75th percentile GPA is 3.75.

Denver Law School LSAT & GPA graph for 2022-2023

LSD has stats for 285 applicants for the 2022-2023 application cycle.

The graphs show applicant results plotted against GPA and LSAT. The dotted lines on the graphs represent the 25/50/75th percentiles reported by the school in their ABA 509 report from the previous year.

Each data point represents an LSD user that shared their application results for the benefit of future applicants.

Click on a data point to see that user's profile.

25th, 50th, 75th refer to percentiles from last year's admitted class

How much does Denver Law School cost per year?

65th percentile
59th percentile
Bar pass rate
52nd percentile
Salary, 25th %
78th percentile
73rd percentile
PI Salary
74th percentile
Employment rate
50th percentile
Grads with debt
70th percentile
Average debt
94th percentile

Cost of attending Denver Law School

In 2024, tuition was $55,610 and the annual cost of attending was $81,674 (tuition plus living expenses).

Cost of Attendance (CoA) is the estimated total amount you will have to spend every year to go to school. Unlike tuition, CoA includes expenses like rent, food, and insurance.

Denver Law School employment outcomes

JD graduates from University of Denver make $95,000 (median) upon graduation if they work in the private sector. If they go into the public sector, a grad can expect to make $64,260.

51.2% of law graduates from University of Denver go directly to work for law firms, while 12.4% clerk for a judge. 13.4% of graduates go into public interest.

79.5% of University of Denver graduates pass the bar on their first try.

Some interesting facts about Denver Law School

The University of Denver Sturm College of Law opened its doors in 1892 and has been breaking ground in legal education ever since. Our faculty prides itself in training students for successful careers as legal practitioners by offering a variety of challenging and exciting courses in addition to experiential learning opportunities through our Student Law Office, externships with law firms, and clerkships with judges. Our new building, with over 181,000 square feet spanning four stories, is the first law building to be awarded the Gold Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification by the US Green Building Council. Downtown Denver—where the state legislature, courthouses, regional federal agencies, state agencies, and law firms are found—is 10 minutes away by Light Rail, and the Rocky Mountains are just a short drive to the west.

This school also has a spring start term.

University of Denver

Chat for University of Denver
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Denver usually hits with a heavy list of accepted candidates the day before Thanksgiving.
"As" for the holidaze
Question for anyone who got a scholarship offer - was the offer included in your acceptance email or was it separate and how long did the second email take to come in? Got my acceptance yesterday and am just curious!
@SophisticatedRoadrunner: mine came in the same email as the acceptance
Is anyones application status page blank? Mine just all of a sudden turned blank today.
Mine is still same as ever, which is killing me. Did you get an email yet
@BeautifulSeahorse: mine is blank as well
mine just updated to todays date. im on the edge of my seat. I'll probably put my deposit down if admitted.
Anyone get the scholly info with their A?
I did. I talked to the admissions department before and scholarship info should come with your decision.
Date change today too, lets go!
Got the A!
Got the A!
got an A with scholly!
What is the full tuition for Sturm Law
Too damn much for that school I will tell you
hiiii anyone going to admitted students weekend?
anyone else get a scholarship update email today?
ugh still UR
Got a date change, and "school tracking number today." does this mean anything... good? trying not to get my hopes up, but can't help it
@ElatedChemicalJellyfish: I did on Monday. I think it had to do with paying your first seat deposit early. I received an additional $1k a year
waitlisted at LSAT median above 25th GPA 3/27
does anyone know of an admitted students group chat?
Been on UR since 3/22. How long did it take for you all to hear back. Hoping to hear back soon (4/1)
@salamander: there's a facebook group!
admitted and not attending because the cost vs professional outcomes makes no sense and they refuse to give me money.
University of Denver update my application status challenge (impossible)
withdrew today hope someone gets off the WL:)
Seat Deposits due today!!!
I'm curious of you guys who are admitted but haven't made a decision, what are you waiting on?
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