No, just took advantage of the opportunity
Rank |
Result | App type | FW | Resident | Schol... | Sent | Sent raw | Received | Received raw | Complete | Complete raw | UR | UR raw | UR2 | UR2 raw | II | II raw | Decision | Decision raw |
999 | PT Brooklyn Law School | WL, Withdrawn | RDregular decision | nono | yes | May 19 | 2023-05-19 | |||||||||||||
999 | PT Fordham University | Rejected | RDregular decision | nono | yes | May 18 | 2023-05-18 | |||||||||||||
999 | PT New York Law School | WL, Withdrawn | RDregular decision | yesno | yes | May 16 | 2023-05-16 | |||||||||||||
117 | Albany Law School Of... | Accepted, Wi... | RDregular decision | yesno | yes | $60,000 | May 08 | 2023-05-08 | ||||||||||||
130 | Hofstra University | Accepted, Wi... | RDregular decision | yesno | yes | $75,000 | Apr 21 | 2023-04-21 | ||||||||||||
68 | St. John's University | WL, Accepted... | RDregular decision | yesno | yes | Jun 21 | 2023-06-21 | |||||||||||||
61 | Yeshiva University (... | Rejected | RDregular decision | yesno | yes | May 31 | 2023-05-31 |