

Applicant search - American University

Found 3 matching applications.
Result User LSAT GPA Scholarship
WL, Withdrawn AdventurousLlama 174 3.92
WL, Withdrawn hanshotfirst 174 3.9
WL, Withdrawn Krs13 174 3.89
* The data in this table is user-reported and may be inaccurate.


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@cclaw: lmao what a mood
Mornin', folks!
morning Sparrow!
Bridgerton season 3 in less than 24 hours - no one is going to hear from me at all this weekend lol
About to be the Insufferable of the Season
It's such a guilty pleasure show for m
big same - plus nicola is such a gorgeous actress, I love having body representation on TV
I love herrrrr
Man Miami WLing everyone
they WLed my coworker with a 168
i feel like going to school in miami must be so nice
also good morning yall another day another *jumps out window*
we need to get stronger windows if this is a daily occurrence
or conversely we could mind control Michigan or NU or GULC into admitting me
Eh. I just want admitted student day merch. Might R&R
you're better off away from those scumbags in ann arbor
@OvertReconditeSpider: bro you're doing it for attention at this point
what if i want to be a scumbag in ann arbor
then i'll enjoy the knowledge that you'
r&ring for attention is such parentless behavior
will experience the revenge tour in november
i probably would be better off living in dc or stl over ann arbor or chicago just because of weather
STL still gets ice storms sometimes just fyi
got stuck in one there once when visiting some family in the area
slip and sliding on overpasses lmao
Im not r&r
I just like saying the word r&r
okay fair tbh'
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