

Law Schools in North Dakota

Are you are looking to go to one of the law schools in North Dakota? There is 1 ABA accredited law school in North Dakota.

The highest ranked law school in North Dakota is University of North Dakota, which was ranked 180 by US News in 2023. The school has an LSAT median of 150 and a GPA median of 3.37.

The best law school in North Dakota is University of North Dakota. Generally, the best law school depends on what you're looking for but University of North Dakota wins by default because it's the only school in the state. If you want to go to law school in North Dakota, you should go to University of North Dakota, or consider schools in bordering states.

ABA accredited law schools in North Dakota

  1. UND Law School

You can also check out law schools in the states that border North Dakota: Minnesota, Montana, South Dakota.

Detailed information on North Dakota law schools

UND Law School

Grand Forks, North Dakota
Rank 180 (US News 2023)
  • Ranked: 180 by US News in 2023.
  • LSAT percentiles (25/50/75): 146/150/153
  • GPA percentiles (25/50/75): 3.1/3.37/3.59
  • Acceptance rate: 72.7
  • Bar passage rate: 69.2


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@manifestT14acceptances: my PS is a weird one
oh sorry for some reason i thought you hadnt written one yet nvm hell with my advice just do what you feel
idk what to do with it because i think it's extremely differentiating and i am not sure how to write about for adcom (which is why im considering hiring a consultant)
I thought mine was good, but then I started second guessing it about a month after submitting apps
i have written one but it's just a draft. but basically i was part of a startup that's an erotic roleplay chatbot and we raised 3 million dollars and then there was a massive falling out between founders and i ended up reading tons and tons of contracts for like 100 hours and it was very exciting and now im applying to law school because it was so much fun
my PS^
and i am not sure how to frame that for a PS but it seems, like, potentially a very good PS that helps me alot as a splitter
that is unreal
sounds like a Silicon Valley b-plot
CLS r oh no
Anybody know when Cornell WL movement start
It is interesting for sure, and interesting is key
i would consider a second statement if you're considering applying to like, NDLS, or something but i mean whatever gets your personality and voice out is most important, so it's good you picked something you're passionate about
also i would be surprised the adcomms have had a similar statement
@millenniummambo: nice school choices! you seem really interesting and alt
@CondemnedPuffyGnome: nice words of wisdom! Hunter S Thompson forever
wait its crazy that they make you buy law hub advantage to get 7sage or lsat demon
is there a way around that or no
@CondemnedPuffyGnome: my mom used to say that when it was happening. very briefly martin shkreli (of drug price hike & prison for securities fraud fame) was going to be the chairman of the board. it was a totally surreal time in my life
Nothing worse than refreshing the email and seeing it load one
@MightyUnableSphinx: I think you can totally make that part of a great PS. novelty is huge. obviously tie it into why law and stuff
yesterday, during the cls and NU e-wave, i was cooking dinner and saw that i got two emails but not who they were from, so i was just mildly stressed while making dinner until i finished, checked my email, and realized the two emails were newsletters
man todays results are so mixed
it was the best of times, it was the worst of times
I'd love at this point to hear absolutely anything from GULC
But if it's an R ... I'll sob lol
when did you interview? i interviewed with GULC three weeks to the day and Dean Andy said expect a result in three weeks so....
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