


Simple English definitions for legal terms

Volcker Rule

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A quick definition of Volcker Rule:

The Volcker Rule is a set of rules that aims to reduce risk in banking institutions by preventing them from engaging in risky investments. It has two main parts: prohibiting banks from making investments with their own funds and limiting their investments in hedge funds or private equity funds. The rule was created after the Global Financial Crisis to prevent the mixing of investment banking and commercial banking, which contributed to the crisis. The rule has faced criticism for limiting bank profits, but the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act of 2018 loosened some of its restrictions. Banks must comply with the rule by creating an internal compliance program, and larger banks have higher compliance requirements.

A more thorough explanation:

The Volcker Rule is a set of regulations created under the Dodd-Frank Act to reduce risk in banking institutions by separating investment banking and commercial banking. The rule has two main parts:

  • A ban on proprietary trading, which is when banks use their own funds to make high-risk investments for their own profit.
  • A limit on banks' investments in hedge funds and private equity funds.

The Volcker Rule was created in response to the Global Financial Crisis, which was caused in part by risky investments made by banks. Before the crisis, investment banking and commercial banking were required to be separate, but this changed in the 1990s. The Volcker Rule attempts to bring back some of the separation between the two types of banking.

For example, the Volcker Rule prohibits banks from making proprietary trades in most circumstances. This means that banks cannot use their own funds to make high-risk investments for their own profit. There are some exceptions, such as for underwriting and market making activities, but these exceptions require reporting and explanations. The rule also prohibits banks from owning or entering into partnerships with certain types of funds, such as hedge funds and private equity funds.

The Volcker Rule has faced criticism for limiting bank profits and restricting capital. In 2018, the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act loosened some of the restrictions of the Volcker Rule, particularly for smaller banks.

To comply with the Volcker Rule, banks must create an internal compliance program that ensures limits are followed, documentation is kept, and reporting requirements are met. Larger banks and those with large investment operations must meet higher compliance, prudential, and monitoring requirements.

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but like I can't even motivate myself to study anymore. I'm so worn out between finishing the school year and you know, life lol
yeah it sounds like overall life burn out
you might have to start deprioritizing things that aren’t absolutely critical because it sounds like you’re spread too thin
do you have time to spend a week eating junk food and watching reality TV sometime in the near future?
or maybe like 3 days at least
how do you feel about where youre at w PT
Yeah I should this weekend - I can binge watch Bridgerton and then take a practice test on Sunday
that sounds solid
PTs have been pretty good - scoring consistently 169-172
if it’s possible to get pulled of WL that score should be fine
I hope so. Fingers crossed!!
apple sauce
i'm so tired of waitlists
my lsat is way above median
did other people just get their scholarship reconsideration back from emory?
Harvard II reported on LSA
@ValleyH: thats awesome! the break seems well-deserved and if that's what it would take to get you back into studying then thats awesome!
@amlaw: i feel you im sorry :^(
also CLS WL II on LSA
If you did not get an HLS feeler is it over for you?
I don't think they're necessarily done
i have no idea and havent been following the hls wl, but i would be surprised if they were done at this point in the WL season
hoping your call comes soon @scorpion!
yo trees are you on?!?
i hope i get 1 wl a this cycle
you will get multiple wl A's this cycle
@manifestT14acceptances: a true ally ❤
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