


Simple English definitions for legal terms


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A quick definition of underlease:

An underlease is when a person who is renting a property leases it to someone else for a shorter period of time than their own lease. The original renter still owns the lease and will get the property back when the underlease ends. The person who is subleasing the property is called a sublessee or subtenant, and the original renter is called a sublessor or underlessor.

A more thorough explanation:

An underlease is a type of lease agreement where a lessee (the original tenant) leases some or all of the leased property to a third party for a shorter term than their own lease. The lessee retains a reversion in the lease, meaning they still have some rights to the property. This is also known as a sublease.

  • John leases an apartment from the landlord for a year. After six months, he decides to move out but still has six months left on his lease. He finds a friend, Sarah, who agrees to rent the apartment from him for the remaining six months. John is now the sublessor and Sarah is the sublessee.
  • ABC Company leases a warehouse from the landlord for five years. After two years, they realize they don't need the entire space and decide to sublease a portion of it to another company, XYZ Inc., for the remaining three years. ABC Company is now the sublessor and XYZ Inc. is the sublessee.

These examples illustrate how a lessee can lease some or all of their leased property to a third party for a shorter term. The original lessee still has some rights to the property, but the sublessee also has certain rights as outlined in the sublease agreement.

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I love L&C
visited campus, its gorgeous
it's a lovely place to be
you don’t really need to r&r honestly
unless you’re really set on californi over pnw
I live here and want to come back after school
yeah you’ll probably have to sweat pretty hard. 3.0 is a fine gpa but it’s gonna really hurt you with how gpa pilled those california schools are
California from U Indiana sounds tough. I think of UI as being good enough for neighboring states, not so much cross-country.
funnily enough their marketing material says on the first page that 60% of their grads don't work in IN lol
can you make california from L&C?
there are some in CA but its definitely off the beaten path
Well, yeah, they work in Chicago!
you can. but also off the beaten path
strong regionals are usually pretty good and california is right next to them
let me check the stts
let me check the stts
let me check the stts
hmm, yeah no advantage over UI
L&C is much closer but also lower enough in rankings that it basically breaks even
all of the california schools are really gpa pilled, could you get a 174 and go washU?
could do I think. IDK I think UCLSF or davis might take me with a higher lsat and earlier app
I think late apps really cooked my goose 15/15
Anyone seeing any movement with BAMA or UTKnox?
actually your chances are really good if you get to 168 for all the california schools and apply early
Outside of Hastings, the simplest reading is being below both medians is what hurt you
And being a splitter but on the low end of the GPA range for Hastings
that and late apps yeah. Davis is doable with higher score. I have great pro LORs and I think the rest of my app presented well
Which is a double-edged sword - GPA is set, so part of that is baked in - but LSATs are scarcer and also the part you can still change, so most of that drag could be gone with a retake
thats my thinking exactly. but on the other hand I have some OK options and the opportunity cost is a year of salary. but schools open and close doors. thats why im leaning R&R at this point. I'm mid 20s, not aging out or anything
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