


Simple English definitions for legal terms

trust legacy

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A quick definition of trust legacy:

Trust Legacy: A gift that someone leaves behind in their will, usually money or personal property. It can be given without any conditions or requirements, or it can depend on certain events happening in the future. If the legacy is not paid out yet, it is called an accumulated legacy. If the person receiving the legacy can choose between two or more items, it is called an alternate legacy. If the legacy is paid out from a specific source, it is called a demonstrative legacy.

A more thorough explanation:

A trust legacy is a type of legacy that is created through a trust. A legacy is a gift that is given by a person through their will, usually of personal property or money. A trust legacy is a gift that is given through a trust, which is a legal arrangement where a person (the trustor) gives their assets to a trustee to manage for the benefit of another person (the beneficiary).

  • Revocable Trust Legacy: A person creates a revocable trust and names their child as the beneficiary. The trustor can change the terms of the trust or revoke it at any time during their lifetime. When the trustor dies, the child receives the assets in the trust as a legacy.
  • Irrevocable Trust Legacy: A person creates an irrevocable trust and names their favorite charity as the beneficiary. The trustor cannot change the terms of the trust or revoke it once it is created. When the trustor dies, the charity receives the assets in the trust as a legacy.

These examples illustrate how a trust legacy is created through a trust and how the assets in the trust are distributed to the beneficiary as a legacy.

trust indorsement | trust officer


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yeah i don't have any ug loans and have enough saved to cover living expenses so that helps a little but i'm actually terrified
Yeah but if you refinance to privaye and get laid off or something youre f*cked
how is that def from being fucked when the loans are still with the gov
Bc the govt lets you go on IBR or something if shit hits the fan. That isnt an option with private. Youll go bankrupt and theyll take your car/house. You have to give collateral on private loans
ahh got it
Yeah, don't refinance to private, just consolidate any public loans.
Also you cant get PSLF on a private loan
random question but what question type is "most strongly supported"? Is it Must Be True?
MSS and MBT are basically the same
Great, thank you!
I treated them the exact same and never got them wrong
any tea on howard?
@WhatItDoBayybeeee: kent never emailed me back lmao
@aziza: when i emailed schools it took 2-3 days to hear back tbh i haven't heard anything about Howard recently though
Yeah id recommend you all to run an amortization schedule on the 8/9% loans and really evaluate before you sign for them
my schools usually take over a week to email back lmao
i'm planning to fund law school by robbing liquor stores, personally
im sure we all will be fine when it comes to loans at the end of the day.
quote from man, not fine
@Mountaineer99: i really like that idea
i’m not sure how well it will scale up tho
Haha better you than me w these rates😇
gotta plan it so like i'm only hitting stores in one county at a time
cops don't figure out it's one guy for a while
we get it Spider youre not taking on a lot of loans lmao
take your cookie and go lol
Im not taking the loans because of the interest rates. If it was still 3-4% like UG my school list would look a lot different
makes sense, true duplicity
i feel like youre trying to validate your decision by bringing it up a couple times a week lol
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