


Simple English definitions for legal terms

traverse jury

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A quick definition of traverse jury:

A traverse jury is a group of people chosen by the law to decide if someone is guilty or not guilty in a specific case. They listen to the evidence presented in court and then make a decision. This is also called a petit jury or trial jury. They are different from other types of juries, like grand juries who investigate crimes, or advisory juries who give advice but don't make the final decision.

A more thorough explanation:

A traverse jury is a group of people selected according to the law to decide questions of fact and return a verdict in a specific case. It is also known as a petit jury or trial jury.

For example, in a criminal trial, a traverse jury is empaneled to hear the evidence presented by both the prosecution and defense and then decide whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty of the charges brought against them.

The traverse jury is different from other types of juries, such as a grand jury, which is responsible for deciding whether there is enough evidence to bring charges against a person, or an advisory jury, which provides a non-binding opinion to the judge in a case where the parties have no right to a jury trial.

traverse | traverser


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bunny we could collab and then maybe we dont need to go to law school
did anyone use completely different PS statement for different schools? Like not just changing a few lines to talk ab the school but whole different life experiences and goals? kinda wanna try experimenting next year
ive been saying “PROBABLY A MINORRRRRR” to myself for 48 hours now :(
thats all i put in the letter, ill luk if it works
im just glad this is happening. i was in the trenches (i went to high school in canada) hating drake
pug come to off topic so we can talk about this!! i'm low on messages
good morning yall another day another aipubviryeaeieqripyrebrvbaepibrv collapse
@OptimisticOutlier: I had three PS that I would rotate depending on the school / supplementals
Those three meant that just about every supplemental except "Why X" were covered plus my main PS aligned well with the goals of the school
@OptimisticOutlier: have two different personal statements. Same topic but a bit different
ooo interesting, do you think it was the right move @tedious
guys I'm losing motivation to study for the LSAT
I feel like I have senioritis
@OptimisticOutlier: honestly, yeah. I had three different admissions offices mention my PS when they accepted me. I kinda feel like I outperformed my 165 and I think my PS helped with that? I managed to survive the session staying out of the red!
youre going to do so good on the lsat because you studied so much including the studying youre going to do
Uggghhh I just want it to be over with
its going to be over with!
I'm just so tired T_T
pain is unavoidable valley either suffer the pain of disciplined studying or suffer the pain of dissapointment
Dear Admissions Team, From the river to the sea, y'all still can accept me. Sincerely, HomelyLyingMouse
@GloveDontSplitUMustAcquit: damn you got me there
Now watch me Whip 😜 👊/||\_ _/¯ ¯\_ Now watch me Nae Nae 👋 \ 😳 || \_ _/¯ ¯\_
@ValleyH: whenever you wanna take a study break just look at results from this cycle and the medians where you really want to end up - that's what I'm doing
confession time: i had one PS and i just changed the file name for each school i applied to.
good morning
@OptimisticOutlier: that's a good idea tbh
Gotta give myself some motivation
what the hell do we do with a single year of our lives
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