


Simple English definitions for legal terms

temporary injunction

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A quick definition of temporary injunction:

A temporary injunction is a court order that tells someone to stop doing something until a final decision is made. It's like a timeout for grown-ups.

A more thorough explanation:

A temporary injunction is a court order that requires a person or entity to stop doing something until a final decision is made in a case. It is also known as a preliminary injunction.

For example, if a company is accused of stealing trade secrets from a competitor, the competitor may ask the court for a temporary injunction to prevent the company from using or sharing the trade secrets until the case is resolved.

Another example is if a landlord is trying to evict a tenant for not paying rent, the tenant may ask the court for a temporary injunction to prevent the eviction until they can prove that they have paid the rent.

These examples illustrate how a temporary injunction can be used to protect the rights of individuals or companies while a legal dispute is being resolved.

taxpayer identification number (TIN) | temporary insanity


General chat about the legal profession.
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The waiting game for decisions is not fun
when did u apply
OSU is brutally slow lmao
Late Feb
I applied late
this iced coffee sat too long and now it tastes bad
gj dunkin
their enrollment confirmation survey is like mid june so there MAY be some more movement around then
when did yall apply if youre waiting for decisions mid may lol
oh i see the late feb message
lori lightfoot #2 fav mayor after eric adams i love her thyroid face and small stature
you guys know when you were little and you were waiting for like an app or website to load and you would pretend not to care or notice in case it would make the app or website load faster
Good times @manifest
good times for sure, also wondering if i should take that approach with my waitlists
it’s all fun and games until you miss a WL email and lose your spot because you didn’t respond in 24 hours
Any HLS feelers out today? You'll catch me asking this until I get one lol
is it better to miss a WL email or get none at all
-plato, or some shit
don't miss important emails you're adults
my toe hurts and every guy who works at morgan stanley looks like pete buttigieg
@ExcitingRealSombrero: no one has said anything here afaik
I didn't know morgan stanley was fixing bread prices
@BarryZuckercornEsq: I agree that the correct plural of 'letter of continued interest' is 'letters of continued interest.' But don't you still think the acronym should be 'LOCIs' given that that acronym is easier to pronounce than is 'LsOCI'?
How do you refer to more than one attorney general?
attorneys general
But the acronym is AGs, not AsG.
As it should be...
Upon reflection, I actually don't think the justification for 'LOCIs' over 'LsCOI' and 'AGs' over 'AsG' should be about how easy or hard those acronyms are to pronounce. I think it should be about where an 's' used to render a noun plural is *typically* put. It's *typically* put at the end of the word, so the acronym should have the 's' at the end, even if the phrase that it is the acronym of does not have the 's' at the end. QED.
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