


Simple English definitions for legal terms

tacit-relocation doctrine

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A quick definition of tacit-relocation doctrine:

The tacit-relocation doctrine is a rule that says if a lease agreement doesn't have a specific end date, it's assumed to continue for another year. This happens because neither the landlord nor the tenant said they wanted to end the lease at the original date.

A more thorough explanation:

The tacit-relocation doctrine is a legal principle that assumes a lease agreement will continue beyond its expiration date for a period of one year if neither party indicates that the agreement should terminate at the stipulated date.

For example, if a tenant's lease agreement expires on December 31st, but neither the tenant nor the landlord takes any action to terminate the lease, the lease will be presumed to continue for another year until December 31st of the following year.

This principle is based on the idea that both parties have an implied understanding that the lease will continue unless they explicitly state otherwise. It is important for tenants and landlords to be aware of this doctrine to avoid unintentionally extending a lease agreement.

tacit relocation | tacit remission


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have you guys head anything ab more deferrals this year? They said they're seeing more of that at the northwestern info session yesterday, wondering if its a broader trend and we'll see more WL activity from that
i could see that with fasfa being a mess my school told me to be prepared to support myself through august and possibly sept
that's actually insane damn
still dont understand how fasfa dropped the ball so bad
they "simplified" it by annihilating it completely
simplifying student aid by just not giving anyone a goddamn cent lmao
@TediousSparrow: yeah its all good. Both schools equally had their upsides and downsides. I could always try to move to AZ after i get some experience
@OvertReconditeSpider: for sure, Spider! Wishing you all the best
are there increased odds off WL if i live there already and said it was my first-choice lol
the mount student aid method: just do armed robbery
I dont think you get money from fafsa for grad programs other than loans
@Bergyll: yes
I believe the tippy-top schools don't wait for FAFSA to know how much they can offer in aid.
officially have 1k left on my undergrad loans, everybody cheer for me :)
yay tedious congrats!
Oof i have 23k left 💀📉
ive got like 8k left
I have all of yalls combined and then some lmao
I'm paying the rest this summer so I'll be debt free before 1L :D
I mean. I could pay off like 13k of them right now. But im saving the money for law school bc my UG loans are less than half the interest rate
Of what law school will be
hoping to pick up a second job and get as much paid off this summer as i can
I have enough in savings to hopefully last two full years of not working
But then I can continue my editing side hustle if I don't get a paying gig after 1L
i already know i wont 1L completely debt free but im hoping to get it as low as possible
Nice. Im hoping to get thru 1L on savings and work part time 2L/3L
same spider
resume boosting part time work or like bartending/serving?
I found a roommate so i have rent right where i need to be to get thru law school with less than 30k loans :)
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