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Definition: Sundries are a bunch of different things that are grouped together because they don't need to be named one by one. They are just miscellaneous items that don't have a specific category.
sundries (/ˈsʌndriz/). Miscellaneous items that may be considered together, without being separately specified or identified.
Sundries refer to a group of different things that are not specifically named or identified. These items are usually small and not very important, but they are still useful or necessary in some way. They are often sold together in a store or market, and can include things like:
These items are all different, but they can be grouped together as sundries because they are all small, miscellaneous things that are useful in everyday life.
When you go to a convenience store, you might see a section labeled "sundries" that has a variety of small items for sale. For example, you might find:
These items are all different, but they are all considered sundries because they are small, miscellaneous items that are useful in everyday life.