


Simple English definitions for legal terms

Standard and Poor’s 500 (S&P 500)

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A quick definition of Standard and Poor’s 500 (S&P 500):

Standard and Poor’s 500 (S&P 500) is a list of the 500 biggest companies in the United States. It shows how well these companies and the economy are doing. The list is made by looking at how much each company is worth. This helps people understand how the stock market is doing and how the economy is doing overall.

A more thorough explanation:

Standard and Poor’s 500 (S&P 500) is a list of the 500 biggest public companies in the United States. It shows how well these companies and the economy are doing. The S&P 500 measures the size of companies by their market capitalization, which is the total value of all their shares of stock.

For example, if a company has 1 million shares of stock and each share is worth $10, then the company's market capitalization is $10 million. The S&P 500 includes companies from different industries, such as technology, healthcare, and finance.

The S&P 500 is important because it gives investors an idea of how the stock market is doing overall. If the S&P 500 goes up, it means that the stock market is generally doing well. If it goes down, it means that the stock market is not doing as well.

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because I still need an HLS email
@GreenJumbledScorpion: You don't need an HLS email to fill out aid forms, but they might set you up with that at the same time for simplicity
Couldn't you get a job over the summer to help you pay for rent before you get COL loans on the first day of classes or thereabouts?
This is what I'm doing.
I have about 16K saved up
Isn't that plenty of money?
Isn't rent like 2-3K
@GreenJumbledScorpion: Oh that's fine, you will not have a problem covering first + a deposit
Are you talking about rent in Cambridge or thereabouts?
I mean, plenty of places are under 2k.
Just plan on having roommates (this is assuming you're comfortable borrowing for anything aid does not cover)
I've lived in the area for a while, albeit not in the past few years
< $2K per person is very doable with roommates, a bit over $2K is probably doable with a studio
I am okay with apartment mates. I just prefer my own room and bathroom.
I guess I'm still not understanding GreenJumbledScorpion. Even if you couldn't find a place for less than 2k, why is that a problem? Is it that the COL loans Harvard would give you wouldn't cover a place for 2k over 9 months?
Or is it rather that you just want to save as much of the 16k you have as possible?
Oh wait, which of those? The first or second.
I am trying to save as much as of the 16k as possible
3k is invested and I do not want to pull that out tbh
Yeah, I'm assuming I'm going to live with roommates. I'm (likely) going to BU, btw, so in a similar area.
I've done that before and haven't had a problem with it.
I'd just like to live in a place that is within a 30 minute walking distance to BU Law (and that's the absolute max). I'm also going to bring my bike and probably use that a lot. And the T is totally acceptable.
Probably closer to 25 max.
But if you want a private bath, that may make finding a place a bit harder---not much harder but a bit.
A private bath is not something I need.
easy af to find units near the law school at OSU when i was looking last month just FYI bankruptcy
in case you choose to embrace the buckeye lifestyle
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