


Simple English definitions for legal terms


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A quick definition of reset:

Reset: In Scottish law, reset refers to two things. Firstly, it is the act of knowingly receiving stolen goods. This means that if someone buys or accepts something that they know has been stolen, they are committing reset. Secondly, it can refer to the archaic practice of harboring or sheltering a criminal or outlaw. A person who commits reset is called a resetter. Reset can also be used as a verb.

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: In Scots law, reset refers to two things:

  1. The act of knowingly receiving stolen goods.
  2. The act of harboring or sheltering a criminal or outlaw (archaic).


  • If someone buys a stolen phone from a thief, they are committing reset.
  • In the past, people who helped criminals hide from the law were also guilty of reset.

The examples illustrate how reset involves knowingly aiding or abetting criminal activity. In the first example, the person who buys the stolen phone is aware that it was stolen and is therefore guilty of reset. In the second example, the person who helps a criminal hide from the law is also aware of their illegal activity and is therefore guilty of reset.

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any of you negotiated after paying first seat deposit? I've got two seat deposits down and want to go to the school that gave me less money. Still a solid scholarship, but i might as well try to get more.
@youjustgotlittup, I know! I have new LSAT study materials that just arrived last week! Let me send this email tho lol
a magnificent monday
hope all of you had a great weekend!!
i hope you had an even greater one trees
The WL waiting is killing me
my cls wl is giving me delulu hope
i believe in all of us
i'm not even religious but pray for me 😭
Knowing they can call at any minute man…. I’m sick to my stomach
did you guys send LOCIs to CLS?
Our Need-love for God is in a different position because our need of Him can never end either in this world or in any other. But our awareness of it can, and then the Need-love dies too. "The Devil was sick, the Devil a monk would be." There seems no reason for describing as hypocritical the short-lived piety of those whose religion fades away once they have emerged from "danger, necessity, or tribulation." Why should they not have been sincere? They were desperate and they howled for help. Who wouldn't?
thats a cs lewis quote lol i hate myself
is lawhub the most reliable application status tracker?
besides the individual institution trackers of course
thank you for the prayer
i feel blessed
@manifestT14acceptances: mine was kinda mid but I got a lot of rest so that was good
wow honestly same trees
hoping all of our WLs come through though!
i have a good feeling abo- *gunshot noises*
the gunshot noises are from adcomms who are currently fighting tooth and nail to lyk youve been admitted
the Adcom death squads got to manifest
i was in their way 😔
is lawhub the most reliable application status tracker?
i think so? it just links to the status checkers from the schools themselves right?
not all schools work with lawhub though i think
i believe so - it looks like it refreshes daily but i wasn't sure if there was a better option y'all have been checking on
lawhub is helpful, but I feel like every status checker is only reliable to an extent
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