


Simple English definitions for legal terms


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A quick definition of relitigate:


Definition: Relitigate means to take a case or matter to court again or start a new legal process for the same issue. For example, if someone loses a case in one court, they may try to relitigate the same issue in a different court. Relitigation is the act of doing this.

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: To litigate (a case or matter) again or anew.

Example: The defendant's lawyer plans to relitigate the case in a higher court.

Explanation: This means that the defendant's lawyer wants to take the case to a higher court and argue it again, even though it has already been decided in a lower court. The term "relitigate" implies that the case has already been litigated once before.

reliqua | relocatio


General chat about the legal profession.
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My focus and dedication has sorely diminished now that I've chosen a school
Thanks Bash! It was my first choice going into the cycle… turns out it’s my only choice coming out too lol
it was meant to be!
Congrats to you, Sparrow! What motivated you to choose the schools you chose?
same here tbh tedious
just kinda coasting and getting ready to train the replacement
@PutThatThingBackWhereItCameFromOrSoHelpMe: great clinics, good placement where I want to end up, connected with profs and students, and of course the prospect of graduating law school without debt is a dream! Diploma privilege doesn't hurt much either :)
@bashandtheosmom: I got WL'd at UNT :(
stupid yield protection
@Mountaineer99: they still haven't even hired a replacement for me but I guess that's their problem not
some firms like to do the old try to get them trained within a week routine
idk why they do that to themselves
but it's common
they're not even INTERVIEWING lmao
it might be a shitshow once I leave
They’re bringing back an old engineer who already left the company over some petty stuff to replace me lol not my circus, not my monkeys.
im begging
gm did anyone get that northwestern wl interview extension email..
Anyone feel like they haven’t seen like any Miami movement recently
Got the same. Forgot I never did that second Kira lol. Also, sorry Valley. You’re still studying for the June, right?
lets all disco for the mouse he needs it
@pug: did u get accepted to nyu
nah R, waitlisted at CLS and penn but not expecting movement from them
Im waiting on NU, GULC and USC (lol) and after those 3 cycle is over
Has anyone seen any T14 waitlist movement yet (I know it’s still early just curious)
Or in particular have the T6 already started moving or still too soon
uva did a lot yesterday
duke, penn, columbia are seemingly full
holding out for harvard or a chicago school
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