


Simple English definitions for legal terms


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A quick definition of relative:

A relative is someone who is related to you by blood or marriage. This means they are part of your family. Relatives can be your parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and even your in-laws. There are different types of relatives, such as those who share the same ancestors or those who are related by marriage. Some relatives are closer to you than others, but they are all part of your family and can be important in your life.

A more thorough explanation:

A relative is a person who is connected to another person by blood or marriage. This means they are family members. There are different types of relatives:

  • Blood relative: A person who shares an ancestor with another person. For example, a brother or a cousin.
  • Collateral relative: A relative who is not in the direct line of descent. For example, a cousin.
  • Relative by affinity: A person who is related by marriage. For example, the spouse of your cousin.
  • Relative of the half blood: A collateral relative who shares one common ancestor. For example, a half-brother.

These different types of relatives help us understand how people are related to each other. For example, if someone says "my cousin," we know that person is a collateral relative. If someone says "my half-brother," we know that person is a relative of the half blood.

Understanding who our relatives are is important for many reasons. We may want to stay in touch with family members, learn about our family history, or make important decisions about inheritance or medical care.


  • My aunt is my blood relative because we share a common ancestor.
  • My cousin is my collateral relative because we are not in the direct line of descent.
  • My sister-in-law is my relative by affinity because we are related through marriage.
  • My half-sister is my relative of the half blood because we share one common parent.

These examples illustrate how different types of relatives are related to each other. For example, a cousin is a collateral relative because they are not in the direct line of descent. A sister-in-law is a relative by affinity because they are related through marriage.

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Scorp delete their files on me so I can apply again next year and join you
Allahu Akbar
waitlisted at GW with a 4.0 and 177.did you murder someone?
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I can’t believe I did it
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Welcome to the East Coast, scorp... the best coast
@Thickthighssavelives: thanks queen
east coast really is the best
congrats scorp
2 A's: HLS wasn't lying about a limited number
Those phrases really bug me. Because every number is a limited number
deer your A is coming next!
june 3rd round inshAllah
Haha thank you trees
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@bankruptcy I'm still pretty undecided tbh. I'm interested in IP law though, and BU has a decent program for that
But I'd also love to do a clerkship, hence the interest in getting off the HLS wl
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@Hellwoods2025: have any schools reached out yet? feel like w your stats they'd have to eventually send a feeler
@PreviousSwelteringQuail: whats happening with gulc...
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