Simple English definitions for legal terms
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Refresh one's memory: When someone can't remember something, they can look at a document or previous statement to help them remember. This is called refreshing their memory. To do this, the person must first say they don't remember and then the lawyer must show them the document or statement to help them remember.
Refresh one's memory: To help a witness remember an event or statement by using a document, exhibit, or previous testimony.
During a trial, a lawyer may ask a witness if they remember what happened on a specific date. If the witness cannot recall, the lawyer may show them a document or exhibit related to the event to refresh their memory.
Another example could be a police officer who is testifying in court about a crime they investigated. The prosecutor may ask the officer to review their notes from the investigation to refresh their memory about specific details.
These examples illustrate how refreshing one's memory can be used in a legal setting to help witnesses recall important information. It is a common practice to ensure that testimony is as accurate as possible.