


Simple English definitions for legal terms

record keeping

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A quick definition of record keeping:

Record keeping: Keeping track of important information and details about something or someone. This can include things like dates, names, and other important facts that need to be remembered and organized. It's like writing down important things in a notebook so you don't forget them later.

A more thorough explanation:

Record keeping

Record keeping refers to the practice of maintaining accurate and complete records of important information, such as financial transactions, employee data, and customer information. It involves creating, organizing, and storing records in a systematic and secure manner.

  • Keeping track of sales and expenses in a ledger
  • Maintaining employee records, such as attendance and performance evaluations
  • Recording customer orders and contact information in a database

These examples illustrate how record keeping involves creating and organizing records in a way that makes them easy to access and use. By keeping accurate and complete records, individuals and organizations can make informed decisions, track progress, and ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

record | Record owner


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Me, definitely not tweaking after seeing HLS feelers out
I wonder if it depends on the interviewer
Like the timing of the call
You get yours yet?
Ugh I just want UNT to take me :')
gl to HLS II recipients, the odds are in your favor
(of course depending on my June LSAT and SMU taking me)
I got nothing Sombrero
best of luck to all those waiting rn
and to me best of luck to me too :^)
Valley I hate to be a downer but have you considered what you'll do if you don't get off the SMU WL (or either WL)
@BarryZuckercornEsq: I'll happily attend UNT
and if everything goes well, I'll transfer after 1L, otherwise I'll just graduate from UNT :)
The great news is that I'll be a lawyer no matter where I go, and since I don't care for big law, I'll be good
have you sent UNT any LsOCI?
I have indeed!
zuck i love that youre willing to die on the LsOCI vs LOCIs hill
I sent one the same day they sent me the LOCI :)
sorry, not LOCI, the WL notification lol
The good news for SMU is I literally just need 2 more points on my LSAT to reach their median
yea, I just don't know how much WL movement they typically have. Hopefully there'll be spots open when you get your score back
Fingers crossed! Worst case, if my June score is good, I'll apply for Fall 2025
yea that's kind of the question I was getting at (whether it'd be possible for you to re-app). hope it works out
Thank you!
crazy car
Any HLS feelers since 1:00 pm?
^ Wondering as well. Hoping there are multiple waves of calls this week
Harvard is picking off their waitlist? Huh.
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