


Simple English definitions for legal terms

real property

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A quick definition of real property:

Real property refers to land and everything that is permanently attached to it, such as buildings and minerals. There are different types of real property, including freehold estates (where someone owns the property for an indefinite period of time) and nonfreehold estates (where someone has limited ownership). When two or more people own or possess a property at the same time, it is called a concurrent estate. Each state has its own laws about property ownership within its borders.

A more thorough explanation:

Real property refers to land and everything permanently attached to it, such as buildings and minerals. It is a type of property that gives the owner the right to use, control, and dispose of the land in a lawful manner.

There are different types of real property, including:

  • Freehold estates: These are properties that an individual owns for an indefinite period of time. Examples include the "fee simple absolute," which is inheritable and lasts as long as the individual and their heirs want to keep it, and the "life estate," which allows the individual to possess the land for the duration of their life.
  • Nonfreehold estates: These are property interests of limited duration, such as tenancy for years, tenancy at will, and tenancy at sufferance.
  • Concurrent estates: These exist when property is owned or possessed by two or more individuals simultaneously.

Each state has exclusive jurisdiction over the land within its borders, and its laws concerning the types of interests that can be held and how they are created are not subject to federal law.

For example, if someone owns a house and the land it sits on, they own real property. If they sell the house but keep the land, they still own the real property. However, if they sell the land, they no longer own the real property.

real party in interest | Realization of gain


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@Hellwoods2025: do you want to wait another year? Lol if not, no one you dont tell will known you were anything but accepted lol
But that would be highly respectable lol
Lmao I do not want to wait another year, but I don't like the WL odds at this point in the cycle lmao
I'll ride it out tho
hellwoods the universe is so unfair how tf did you not get into a single school on your list
adcoms are fickle and my complete thoughts are not appropriate for lsd
just say what you want to say, in minecraft
when you have HR-brained people running admissions you lose quality applicants because of intangibles that probably aren’t reflective of the quality of the student, in minecraft
Essay issues?
another chicago spot opening up !
Honestly, if Hellwoods2025 is not a troll account (and I may get hate for being skeptical that it's not), *and if* Hellwoods2025 really wanted to get into law school this year (rather than just applied for the fun of it or whatever), then his/her being completely shut out of all the many schools he/she applied to, with his/her stats, is literally tragic.
Not quite Medea-level tragedy, but not far off
When you've got stats like that, you've got to play it safe in the personal statement...
hell is not a troll, he just wrote an experimental PS and adcoms didn’t like it
hell has been here for the whole cycle
how experimental are we talking lol. those stats / results are absurd.
drafted his PS as a legal argument
yeah ... no offense Hell, but that's a wild approach ... writing your PS as a legal argument before even sniffing law school. at least you know that's your problem - hoping no one gave you that advice. surprised no one talked you out of that
Then if he wanted to get in this cycle (and maybe he didn't), then I stand by claim that his admissions results are tragic.
how many times do you guys really want to go over this? do you think it’s helpful for you to say that?
idk if he sweeped the t14 because it landed everyone would be glazing him because it was a risk
there’s a ted roosevelt quote about the man in the arena
Hellwoods using the whole T14 as a practice girl lmfao
It's a nice quote. Striving for something great, whether one succeeds or fails, is better than not trying at all. I gather that's the message.
TDR was insane tho lol
And I agree. I am also reminded of a nice line I associate with Max Kellerman (the man Stephen A. Smith unceremoniously got fired for no good reason). Regarding Tim Tebow's failed NFL career, Kellerman said something to the effect of, "Of course the results are important. But so much of what matters is the journey itself, the striving itself."
Somewhat unrelatedly, do you guys and gals ever vacillate between wanting to devote your lives to honorable, virtuous goals (like helping the downtrodden, broadly construed), on the one hand, and entirely self-centered goals (like making a lot of money or acquiring a lot of status), on the other? I think many people have pretty much committed to one path or the other (though I could be wrong); I think it's rarer to be *genuinely* conflicted between these two *radically* different modes of being. Thoughts?
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