






Simple English definitions for legal terms

public reprimand

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A quick definition of public reprimand:

A public reprimand is a form of disciplinary action for lawyers who have engaged in improper conduct. It is a mild form of discipline that does not restrict the lawyer's ability to practice law. A public reprimand is a published notice that appears in a legal newspaper or bar journal, admonishing the attorney about their improper conduct and describing the impropriety for the benefit of other members of the legal profession.

A more thorough explanation:

A public reprimand is a form of disciplinary action that declares a lawyer's conduct improper but does not limit their right to practice law. It is a mild form of lawyer discipline that does not restrict their ability to practice law.

A private reprimand is an unpublished communication between a disciplinary agency and a wrongdoing attorney, admonishing the attorney about their improper conduct. Sometimes a published reprimand that does not identify the lawyer by name is considered a private reprimand.

A public reprimand is a published notice, usually appearing in a legal newspaper or bar journal, admonishing the attorney about their improper conduct and describing the impropriety for the benefit of other members of the legal profession.

An example of a public reprimand would be if a lawyer was found to have violated ethical rules by mishandling client funds. The disciplinary agency would issue a public notice in a legal newspaper or bar journal, admonishing the lawyer for their improper conduct and describing the violation for the benefit of other lawyers.

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does fordham do calls or just emails
also what if i miss a call...
Fordham gave me a hold
I think they email
when did you apply erratic?
I'm fine with a hold though. Gonna send updated transcript, updated resume, and LOCI in early january
I applied to forhdam 9/23
i applied 9/16 and still no answer which is annoying
Could be a good sign
i'm above their 75ths so idk what's ramping them forever
ppl have already gotten As tho
They might be waiting to be able to give you a strong scholarship
that actually made me feel sm better ty 😭
Some schools I've talked to do As before their budget is finalized so they wait for some people to be able to give them an A and scholly info at once
that makes a lot of sense! i didn't know that, thanks sm
Of course
and congrats on W&L!
@ErraticFearlessGecko: maybe wait on that LOCI, I was at a couple online forums and adcoms addressed multiple times that it for WL and that outside of that they don't affect much. Again, take it with a grain of salt bc those are just for the schools i attended zoom calls for
Ooh thanks
Definitely doing transcript + resume but not having to write a letter will be nice
yeah np, again, its just something i heard, i have no idea how fordham operates with LOCI
My decision techinically says WL with a guaranteed second look by mid february, but in previous years they called it a hold
oh that is weird yeah fair enough then LOCI seems smart before that second look
Eeek okay
want to emphasize that i am not applying to Fordham so do what feels right or ask admissions office
y'all think NYU wave tomorrow?
everyone seems to think so
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