


Simple English definitions for legal terms

patent application

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A quick definition of patent application:

A patent application is a request made by an inventor to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for exclusive rights to their invention. The application includes a detailed description of the invention, drawings, and a fee. It must also include at least one claim, which is a statement that defines the scope of the invention. A provisional patent application does not require an oath or declaration, but all other applications do.

A more thorough explanation:


A patent application is a request made by an inventor to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for a patent. It must include a detailed description of the invention, drawings, at least one claim, and a filing fee. If it is not a provisional patent application, it must also include an oath or declaration.

Example 1: John has invented a new type of solar panel that is more efficient than any other solar panel on the market. He files a patent application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to protect his invention from being copied by others.

Example 2: Sarah has created a new type of software that can detect and prevent cyber attacks. She submits a patent application to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to protect her invention from being stolen by others.

The examples illustrate how inventors use patent applications to protect their inventions from being copied or stolen by others. By filing a patent application, the inventor is requesting that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office grant them exclusive rights to their invention for a certain period of time. This allows the inventor to profit from their invention and prevents others from using or selling it without their permission.

Patent and Trademark Office | patent-application amendment


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guys, im making a public speaking with the topic of personal choice in nuisance. Can you give me what to talk about
what does this mean? you get to pick a topic but it has to be about nuisances?
Yeah I also don’t know what this means ngl
Do you think you can use being on the Harvard Wl to ask for more money? Like say you'll withdraw if they give you more?
@Obtainingdreams: Unlikely
If 1 in 10 Harvard waitlistees in their class of 2027 get into HLS (average A % off the HLS waitlist), the school is better served by offering that student more $ than offering the other 9 in 10 more $ than they have to and the one that gets into HLS less than they need to
what do you guys think about the HLS WL? DO you think they're gonna give out a decent amount of A's still?
[] ararara
Thanks JB 🦸‍♀️! For everybody out there stressing law school decisions, hang in there!
What do people think about ND
@NaughtyTeenyWeenyPebble: Looking at last cycle's stats, 16 people logged the date of their HLS waitlist offer and 6 of those were made by 5/19 (the other 10 came later). It's a small sample, and every cycle is different, but it's entirely possible more WL offers are coming
ban me again, for old times’ sake? 😘
I deposited at Columbia but I just want to know if I should start looking for apartments or if I'm going to get an offer from harvard. so stressful
you kind of have to be ready to drop everything for harvard while going forward with apartments for columbia
Is it worth writing a second LOCI for HLS?
you want to write an loci about once a month
[] abbas24
best tips for studying for Lsat and Applications going into senior year? feel like im so behind but know thats just my mind
[] abbas24
also tips while having a lower than outstanding gpa? My records show great progression though
1. Spend the time on the LSAT early, if you can hit your target score this summer it will free up lots of time for essays etc. later when things are busy
2. Depending on the schools you're looking at, being at/above LSAT median can be enough. The higher you can get your GPA, the better, but half the class is going to be at/below each median - that's how medians work
If you're above a median (particularly LSAT median) and the other stat isn't way below, numbers alone won't keep you out. Past that point, softs/essays/recs are what gets you in.
YMMV, it will matter what "lower than outstanding" means (3.7? 3.3?)
And what schools you're thinking of
Can't start a fire. You can't start a fire without a spark. This gun's for hire. Even we're just dancing in the dark. You sit around getting older. There's a joke. It's wild and it's on me. I shake this world off my shoulders. Come on, baby, the laugh's on me.
knicks and nuggets lost rest in piss god is good
law school transparency dark mode 😍😍😍😍 just the feature i was waiting for
Happy last week of teaching to meeeee
happy last week of teaching to valleyyyy
omg Valley congrats!!! Almost free!!!
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