


Simple English definitions for legal terms


Read a random definition: primary boycott

A quick definition of organization:

Organization: A group of people who come together for a specific reason, like a club or a company. It can also mean a union, where workers join together to protect their rights and interests.

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: An organization is a group of people who come together for a common purpose. This can be a union, corporation, or society.

Example 1: A labor union is an organization of workers who come together to protect their rights and improve their working conditions.

Example 2: A corporation is an organization of people who come together to run a business and make a profit.

These examples illustrate how people can come together to form an organization for a specific purpose. In both cases, the members of the organization work together to achieve a common goal.

organic statute | organizational crime


General chat about the legal profession.
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I FINALLY figured out rule substitution questions in LG last night and I was so excited lmao
oh one tip for rc: when its like "what option best describes the piece and its structure" and each option is like a paragraph long, start with the last part of each option and go backwards since the beginning of each option is the same and designed to eat up those seconds
I loved games. Straight up I wish I could find books with them outside of study materials for the LSAT I wanna do them for fun
Lmao the bullshit trick they pull most often is putting one word in the LR questions that makes the answer wrong while most of the answer looks really good
I love logic games. It's like brain teasers. Probably why I enjoy puzzles and sudoku lol
love lg salty its going away and not given as an option moving forward
Tip for RC: read for what the author is trying to use the passage for rather than what the passage explicitly says, will make it much easier
you guys might enjoy dual n back if you're into puzzles
Okay real talk my sudoku skills literally doubled after LSAT studying I play it all the time and then one day I was just seeing so many more “obvious numbers”
yeah I find that identifying the author's purpose in RC makes everything so much easier
and I also pretend a handsome celebrity is explaining the topic to me so I can pretend to be more interested lmfao
whcih celebrity is it henry cavill
i get it
Daddy Henry 🥰🥰🥰
How long for LSAC to send updated scores?
Took about a day for my November test
i hate lg
How often is too often for sending loci? I was planning to do like once a month so I would be sending another soon. However, I already emailed them like 2 weeks ago submitting an additional file where I also stated in the email I would go if admitted.
I'd say once a month but I'd double check and make sure that they don't have any limits on LOCIs
for those that did the NU WL kira did you also submit a LOCI
one of my teammates called her top choice once a week over the summer to say she was still interested and ended up getting off the WL at her top choice (T14)
Yeah, I did Kira and LOCI
Okay then I might just send another loci at the start of next week. Thank ya!
@OptimisticOutlier: I think SMU would hate me if I did that lmao
Thank you @sean
Hahaha yeah might be a little much, once a month is good I think
I respect the dedication tho
like that's pretty legit
@OptimisticOutlier: which T14 asking for a friend
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