


Simple English definitions for legal terms


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A quick definition of Misrepresentation:

Misrepresentation is when someone says or does something that is not true or leaves out important information on purpose to trick someone else. This is called fraud. It can happen in many different ways, like when a person lies about a product they are selling or when a scientist says they tested something when they really didn't. Even if someone just gives their opinion, it can still be a misrepresentation if they are trying to trick someone and their opinion is not true. If someone doesn't tell you something important that you need to know, that can also be a misrepresentation.

A more thorough explanation:

Misrepresentation is when someone makes a false or misleading statement or leaves out important information on purpose to deceive someone else. This is a part of common law fraud and other types of fraud like securities fraud.

There are many ways someone can misrepresent something. For example, a chemist in a drug lab might sign a certificate saying a drug is something it's not, even though they didn't test it properly. This is a type of misrepresentation called an affirmative misrepresentation.

However, not all statements that turn out to be wrong are misrepresentations. If someone says something they believe to be true, but it turns out to be false, that's not necessarily a misrepresentation. But if someone says something they know is false or leaves out important information, that is a misrepresentation.

For example, if a real estate agent knows a house has a big problem like an infestation of ants, but doesn't tell the buyer, that's a misrepresentation. The buyer might not have bought the house if they knew about the ant problem.

Another example is if a company advertises a product as being the best, but they don't have any evidence to back that up. That's a misrepresentation because they're making a claim they can't prove.

Overall, misrepresentation is when someone lies or leaves out important information on purpose to deceive someone else. It's a type of fraud that can have serious consequences.

Misprison of a Felony | Mississippi


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Idk much about pro bono opportunities period but thinking I wanna try to get some work experience as soon as humanly possible
When I begin law school I mean
Lines up with BU's limited endowment: $81K per student a few years ago, i.e., enough to support a payout of about $3,250 per student per year at a 4% payout rate https://leiterlawschool.typepad.com/leiter/2022/05/per-student-value-of-law-school-endowments-2021.html
Seems like they're trying to compete with other schools on program headlines (we fund X, Y, and Z and we have an LRAP) but the endowment can't really support that, so they have all these programs but don't guarantee funding. Would not rely on that if you have alternatives.
Thanks for those links. I'll give the public service summer funding information packet, in particular, a careful read. But yeah, your takeaway seems right.
i could really use some fried chicken right now
kfc or popeyes
or korean with gochujang
i might order some gochujang sauce on amazon and cook some air fried chicken breast filets, they’re really good
just letting you guys know :)
Where I can find the definition of the false-endowment?
@Mohammed: False-endowment?
guys, im making a public speaking with the topic of personal choice in nuisance. Can you give me what to talk about
what does this mean? you get to pick a topic but it has to be about nuisances?
Yeah I also don’t know what this means ngl
Do you think you can use being on the Harvard Wl to ask for more money? Like say you'll withdraw if they give you more?
@Obtainingdreams: Unlikely
If 1 in 10 Harvard waitlistees in their class of 2027 get into HLS (average A % off the HLS waitlist), the school is better served by offering that student more $ than offering the other 9 in 10 more $ than they have to and the one that gets into HLS less than they need to
what do you guys think about the HLS WL? DO you think they're gonna give out a decent amount of A's still?
[] ararara
Thanks JB 🦸‍♀️! For everybody out there stressing law school decisions, hang in there!
What do people think about ND
@NaughtyTeenyWeenyPebble: Looking at last cycle's stats, 16 people logged the date of their HLS waitlist offer and 6 of those were made by 5/19 (the other 10 came later). It's a small sample, and every cycle is different, but it's entirely possible more WL offers are coming
ban me again, for old times’ sake? 😘
I deposited at Columbia but I just want to know if I should start looking for apartments or if I'm going to get an offer from harvard. so stressful
you kind of have to be ready to drop everything for harvard while going forward with apartments for columbia
Is it worth writing a second LOCI for HLS?
you want to write an loci about once a month
[] abbas24
best tips for studying for Lsat and Applications going into senior year? feel like im so behind but know thats just my mind
[] abbas24
also tips while having a lower than outstanding gpa? My records show great progression though
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