


Simple English definitions for legal terms


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A quick definition of interrogatory:

Interrogatory: In a legal case, an interrogatory is a list of questions that one party sends to another to get information. The other party has to answer the questions honestly and under oath. Lawyers can help their clients answer the questions, so the answers are usually very carefully written. There are rules about how many questions can be asked, and these rules are different in different places.

A more thorough explanation:

In a civil lawsuit, an interrogatory is a set of questions that one party sends to the other party as part of the discovery process. The recipient must answer the questions under oath and according to the case's schedule. Attorneys may help their clients answer interrogatories, so the responses tend to be more carefully crafted than answers to deposition questions. The number of questions included in an interrogatory is usually limited by court rule.

For example, under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, each party may only ask each other party 25 questions via interrogatory unless the court gives permission to ask more. Interrogatory rules vary by jurisdiction.

Here is an example of an interrogatory:

Question: Please describe in detail the events that led up to the car accident on June 1, 2021.

Answer: On June 1, 2021, I was driving my car on Main Street when another car ran a red light and collided with my vehicle. I had no time to react and was unable to avoid the accident.

This example illustrates how an interrogatory is used to gather information about a specific event or situation related to the lawsuit. The recipient of the interrogatory must provide a detailed and truthful response under oath.

interrogatories | interstate commerce


General chat about the legal profession.
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while wearing my michigan law sweatshirt
as you should
inshAllah one of those spots at Mich and Gtown opens up for someone else in chat while you get to go to your dream school!
split i love the idea of you going to uva and me taking your spot
at gulc/umich
that would be so cool
also if it wasnt obvious congrats on the UVA II :^)
I just want to know if the schools I want most are taking people off the WL
i feel like receiving short notice for an II must be a good sign no? like "we like you so much you don't even need to prepare, just don't royally fuck up"
trees what are the schools you want most
chicago, berkeley, stanford
ill make them move their waitlist just for you trees
I appreciate it sm
astral projecting the idea they should let you in to every UChi, UCB, SLS adcomm rn
I just want to know if they are moving cause if not I will just lock back into LSAT starting memorial day
supposedly, according to NU's dean of admissions, most schools at least start looking at the waitlist by memorial day unless its like penn and they realize they are full/probably overenrolled
taking the june LSAT just to say i took the last-ever logic games test
@cclaw: lmao same
(and for more money)
hmmm actually wait that makes me want to take the june lsat
i wanna be special lmao
you just know they're going to throw the hardest games in there lmfao
if the NU people at the WL Zoom were like "you have until midnight on May 15th to do the kira interview otherwise we cant guarantee we'll review it when we review your application" does that mean theyre planning on reviewing some applications on the 16th
i entered a trance state while taking my actual lsat i dont remember anything about it i feel like i kinda missed out
Harvard already is hitting their waitlist, so it shouldn't be surprising to see peer schools needing to do so as well. Also, *if* UChicago goes to their waitlist at the end of the month, that would do the same.
i wouldnt be surprised if some less highly ranked schools are waiting for T6 schools to finish their waitlist stuff because theres no point in admitting someone from your waitlist if theyre gonna get admitted to another school they like more in a few days anyways re: split hopefully lmao
Heron I hope you're right
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