


Simple English definitions for legal terms

interrogative question

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A quick definition of interrogative question:

An interrogative question is a type of question asked in a criminal trial that tries to get the witness to say something that is not allowed to be used as evidence in the case. This is different from an assertive question, which is a question that is asked to get information that is allowed to be used as evidence.

A more thorough explanation:

An interrogative question is a type of question that is asked to elicit information or clarification from someone. It is a question that requires an answer and is often used in conversations, interviews, and surveys.

In civil law, an interrogative question is a question asked of a witness in a criminal trial to elicit inadmissible evidence relating to the crime at issue in the case. This type of question is not allowed in court because it is designed to get information that is not relevant to the case.

  • "What is your name?"
  • "How old are you?"
  • "Where were you on the night of the crime?" (This is an example of an interrogative question that would not be allowed in court because it is designed to elicit information that may not be relevant to the case.)

The first two examples are simple interrogative questions that are commonly used in everyday conversations. The third example is an interrogative question that would not be allowed in court because it is designed to get information that may not be relevant to the case. This type of question is not allowed because it can be used to unfairly influence the jury or judge.

interrogatee | interrogator


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which was like everyone that still used the site from this cycklw
i hate on horsey and woods every chance i get
d1 in hating 💪🏾
yeah screw those guys
rude im an account of peace
damn did hellwoods bribe the mods of lsd
never done anything bad here
hellwoods was sucking and fucking to get unbanned
horsey really thought he could be racist in the off topic chat and think id forget
babybunny ararara outed u as a dude
how do u feel
i believe not even a dude but an AI chatbot
hahaha how would he know
If bunny is male can I claim gay on my app now?
not sure but apparently ur a troll account according to him
ararara is a guy????
was also stunned by that news
wow i didn't know that
i always assumed girl
i guess i should have asked for pronouns 😭
damn u misgendered arara
sorry ara
how come when some people sneeze it smells
evil spirit
you also could be neurodivergent
my coworker just had a boofin sneeze it smelled like a butt hole
can we pls not summon
boofin 😭 ok unc
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