


Simple English definitions for legal terms


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A quick definition of intemperance:

Intemperance: When someone drinks too much alcohol all the time, it's called intemperance. This means they don't have control over how much they drink and it can cause problems for their health and relationships.

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: Intemperance refers to a lack of moderation or self-control, especially when it comes to drinking alcohol. It means drinking too much alcohol regularly or excessively.


  • John's intemperance led to him losing his job and his family.
  • She struggled with intemperance and had to seek help to overcome her addiction to alcohol.
  • Intemperance can lead to health problems such as liver damage, heart disease, and high blood pressure.

The examples illustrate how intemperance can have negative consequences on a person's life, including their relationships, career, and health. It is important to practice moderation and self-control when it comes to alcohol consumption to avoid these negative outcomes.

integrity right | in tempus indebitum


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@babybunny: That is wifey material ngl
Has anyone gotten in off WashU WL this year? I haven’t seen anyone and the 2nd deposit date has passed
Seems like one person reported they did here on lsd last week
for gulc, it seems that most of the people admitted off the wl have either a high gpa or high lsat
i haven't seem them admit people w/ "normal" stats
Did you guys know what area of law you wanted to practice in when you are applying? I am looking to start Law school in 2025 but I am having trouble deciding what area to focus on.
adding to what @menherachan said it looks like most of the people actually reporting it are reverse splitters specifically but who knows if thats representative of the actual body of people let off the waitlist yesterday
[] ararara
@Silver: good morning! Hope you watched the sun come up! Realistically the most important three things in admissions are our grades/test score/softs so I wouldn’t overthink the rest too much! I personally have a real calling to pursue law but don’t think the adcomms really need a tearjerking story to compel them to admit us! They want to see that we can handle law school imo.
@Silver: You don't have to completely decide what area of law you'd like to practice prior to attending. You can learn what areas you enjoy while attending. It would be a good idea to research certain areas and talk to attorneys that practice to get a rough idea on what it's like.
When law school folks and legal professionals, etc. refer to "public interest" jobs or sometimes to "public interest or service" jobs, I take it the job of being a judge is not included in this category, right? And this even though some government jobs would be included, for instance being a prosecutor or a public defender.
I find that a bit odd, so I feel like I may be misunderstanding.
Can someone help me figure out what soft tier I'd fall under? I am director level in my job, and come from disadvantaged status. does that make me tier 3 or 2?
disadvantaged might be tier 3 if you’re lucky. but that will be really solid in the work experience category. work experience is one of the strongest factors for law school acceptance
Are weekend admissions decision common or is that just when people choose to update their statuses loool?
@BankruptcyAndRestructuringLawIsCool: SIGH..
is anyone thinking of heavily utilizing an ipad during school? people keep bringing it up when i think about supplies and stuff but im curious about what y'all think too
i didnt like ipads in undergrad, but a lot of the really competent people would swear by them
i wish i were competent so bad
but that makes sense ty
lmao me2
let me know if you figure out how to be competent i would like tips
Hi! I’m a rising 3L at GULC who transferred and is in big law now. Does anyone have any questions lol
can you put a good word in for me with adcommns?
@georgiapeach88: Where did you transfer from? And why did you transfer?
Oh, I see from your profile: Maryland. Still, why did you transfer?
[] ararara
Caught the most epic sunset haha I was so high up my ears still haven’t popped
[] ararara
@georgiapeach88: I actually remember you from some of the first times I was on this site
Just out of curiosity: Do we think it's fair to say that the percentage of users of those site who continue to use it after their 1L starts, for those users who actually went or go to law school, is <1%?
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