






Simple English definitions for legal terms


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A quick definition of incriminating:


Definition: When something is incriminating, it shows that someone might have done something wrong or illegal. This can be evidence that makes it seem like someone was involved in a crime.

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: Demonstrating or indicating involvement in criminal activity.

Example: The incriminating evidence found at the crime scene linked the suspect to the murder.

Explanation: The example shows how the evidence found at the crime scene was incriminating, meaning it provided proof that the suspect was involved in the criminal activity of murder. This evidence could be used in court to prove the suspect's guilt.

increscitur | incriminating admission




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there will be salt to be mined
Brooklyn Law ED with 3.38 and 155, what do you guys think? worth a shot or nah
[] baddestbunny
not a huge fan of the kind of person who would rather watch something happen and make snarky comments about it than get involved I have to say
Any waves tomorrow?
berk needs to happen
why you go in on me bunny :(
it's not my fault i can't hold a conversation longer than 15 seconds with intermittent but offputting eye contact. i'd be terrible at canvassing
I like both types of people.
The trick is to know when to be involved and when not to be involved and when to use cynicism as a weapon and when not to.
acoustic historically fordham released first A wave first monday of nov so im hoping
plus maybe ucla?
Sure, sounds good!
real talk how much do we think law schools care abt piercings
obv will have to take them out when i actually have a real job
but for now i don't imagine they would gaf unless it's like OCI or networking events esp cause they're all liberal or whatever
depends if it's berk you prob get +10 points but if it's notre dame i'd take them out
if you think you still look professional with them in then go for it
I WAS GONNA SAY LMAO if i'm at berk i cannot imagine they care
i think they're fine, like even w a nose stud im in corporate now and my colleagues have one, but i do have a lip one which for sure will have to go once im a real life grown up lmao
hahaha yeah that sounds reasonable
the culture is changing for the better though hopefully but at the end of the day i would rather be employed than not lol so whatever
such is life
84 minute half marathon today , grindin grindin
@Tormentus: proud of you, health is wealth
bunny, memes preserve history. Boomers wrote books, GenZ wrote sitcoms, and alas, Zoomers write memes.
speaking of which, RIP P-nut the gray squirrel. First they take our squirrels, then they take the guns.
I had an activated charcoal cookies and cream cocktail last night. That activated charcoal really cleansed my body. Health is indeed wealth.
The November surprise. It's like Harambe.
2016 is repeating itself. History rhymes or whatever they say.
[] baddestbunny
We self-conscious Americans' oversensitivity to real humans fixes us before the television and its ball-check valve in an attitude of rapt, relaxed reception. We watch various actors play various characters, etc. For 360 minutes per diem, we receive unconscious reinforcement of the deep thesis that the most significant feature of truly alive persons is watchableness, and that genuine human worth is not just identical with but rooted in the phenomenon of watching. And that the single biggest part of real watchableness is seeming to be unaware that there's any watching going on. Acting natural. The persons we young fiction writers and assorted shut-ins most study, feel for, feel through are, by virtue of a genius for feigned unself-consciousness, fit to stand gazes. And we, trying desperately to be nonchalant, perspire creepily, on the subway.
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