


Simple English definitions for legal terms

future use

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A quick definition of future use:

Use refers to the way something is employed or applied for a specific purpose. It can be a long-term possession and employment of something for its intended purpose, as opposed to a temporary or occasional use. There are different types of use, such as conditional use, nonconforming use, and public use. Some uses are dependent on or affiliated with the land's primary use, while others are impermissible under current zoning restrictions but allowed because they existed lawfully before the restrictions took effect. Use can also refer to the right to take profits from land owned and possessed by another, or the equitable ownership of land to which another person holds the legal title.

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: A use that is contingent on a future event or circumstance. It is similar to a contingent use, which is a use that is dependent on or pertains to a main use.

  • A property owner may grant a future use to a family member, stating that the property will be transferred to them only when they graduate from college.
  • A developer may apply for a conditional use permit to build a shopping center, but the permit is contingent on the developer meeting certain requirements, such as providing adequate parking and landscaping.

These examples illustrate how a future use is dependent on a future event or circumstance, and how it is similar to a contingent use that is dependent on a main use or condition.

futures market | future value


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so sick of answering my coworker with maybe when asked if im going to school next fall
truth i have a good feeling i think its gonna happen
I’m so incredibly nervous I didn’t realize it happened until I did my daily check of Reddit and one of the fellow WL limbo applicants I’ve been DMing daily asked me, then I checked immediately, and only after that did I see the post on Reddit mentioning it happened/check here and see it’s starting again
Like when they asked I expected to have the daily “no change for me wbu” interactions we’ve had for like two weeks hahaha and then when I saw it changed I felt like I was gonna puke and I’ve been pacing around my apartment since
well I am very happy you found out and hoping that means good news incoming for you!
hoping you get word before your aunt arrives!
Me too I’m excited and nervous and just gotta remember to be patient
it could be tmrw for what its worth!!
i think i recall last time this happened, you got an update the next day
Im thinking 3-10 days but I certainly will be happier if it’s tomorrow (or today 🤪). But the last time this happened in May it was a three day turnaround and the email they sent a week ago said June so idk
The funny thing is this last week was the first week I made my peace with waiting my screen time literally went back to normal after being literally double towards the end of last month and I finally got it down
… so much for that effort
well it is past 5 so I would assume no news today
but who knows what andrew is up to
Vandy be for real
@poocloset r u legit
Do i call vandy
Like how r u guys so calm when u wait
don't call
poo is not real lol
my calm comes from accepting that there is nothing else I can do atp
@CallHerDaddy: prescription drug abuse
should i get a spicy mcchicken with a crispy diet coke? someone say yes bc im gonna do it anyway
Can someone tell me if I should go to St. Johns or ASU (,:
what r ur goals, aspirations, dreams
if i were from arizona id go to asu, if i was fine with staying there
@Hellwoods2025: why why do u know me so well
Like how did you know
Like actually what the fuck
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