


Simple English definitions for legal terms

for use

Read a random definition: Temporary restraining order

A quick definition of for use:

For use means something is meant to be used by someone else for their benefit or advantage. It's like sharing or borrowing something so that someone else can benefit from it. There are different types of uses, like a regular use that is normal or customary, or a nonconforming use that is allowed even though it doesn't follow current rules. Sometimes, a use can be conditional, meaning it has special controls or conditions. Overall, for use means using something for someone else's benefit.

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: For the benefit or advantage of another.


  • Neighbors complained to the city about the owner's use of the building as a dance club.
  • The right to use property and all that makes that property desirable or habitable, such as light, air, and access, even if someone else owns the legal title to the property.
  • The use of a trademark by someone other than the trademark owner, whereby the other party must clearly identify itself, the use of the trademark, and the absence of affiliation with the trademark owner.

The examples illustrate the concept of using something for the benefit of another. In the first example, the owner's use of the building as a dance club was not for the benefit of the neighbors, who complained to the city. In the second example, the right to use property is granted to someone else for their benefit, even if they don't own the property. In the third example, the use of a trademark is allowed for someone else's benefit, but they must clearly indicate that they are not affiliated with the trademark owner.

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@trees1234567: shadowban lol
hate that
I’ve always seen Hells messages I think
Other than when ya were banned ofc
@Hellwoods2025: fml
ive never been banned im a sweet little angel
@CallHerDaddy: why?
I clicked off topic and back to general and hells messages appeared
Truth some of the reddit folks are saying the change was an A seems like good news for you
@Hellwoods2025: idk i feel like degen behavior has a negative connotation
Im just stressed right now
@CallHerDaddy: oh lmao I call myself a degen all the time, I just mean were fun
Vandy still being stupid?
@Hellwoods2025: anecdotally all the WL status changes I’ve seen people mention were followed up by them saying they got As but in my current poll (it’s like an hour old) some people seem to be in a limbo of nothingness after the change. But I’m keeping my fingers crossed this was exactly what happened beginning of the month before that WL A wave and I didn’t see any reports then of people’s status changing only to have no outcome update
@TruthTheX: probs just dean andy recording his little videos for yall
Not sure if it’s just a case of bad news not being worth sharing, people not being entirely sure what I meant by my poll options, trolls, or something else
Vandy has me tweaking :(
yeah idk seems like a lot of people who got in last wave also got into mich or uva so they def still have spots
Still silence from them
@CallHerDaddy: did you send the lap dance?
Of course
Yeah I’ve seen that and also with Harvard’s wave happening now I’m sure others in the T14 have begun pulling and I missed them, and in those waves someone from GULC’s incoming class could have been pulled
damn and still no A? I would have given you one on the spot
praying NU lost some high stat applicants and now need me
@Hellwoods2025: ily
Considering they’re telling people to send in LOCI’s every two to three weeks I’d imagine they need peeps. Don’t know how many top schools want that much communication if they’re near capacity
man I am still so bummed NU was not one of the waitlists
I would have sent them LOCIs every 2 weeks without hesitation
Im hoping we see movement from them soon
same w UChi and the NYC Schools
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