


Simple English definitions for legal terms

earnest payment

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A quick definition of earnest payment:

An earnest payment is money that a home buyer gives to the seller to show that they are serious about buying the house. The money is put into a special account called an escrow account. The buyer only gets the money back if they can't buy the house for reasons that were agreed upon in the contract. If the buyer changes their mind for a different reason, they lose the money.

A more thorough explanation:

Earnest Payment

An earnest payment is money that a home buyer sets aside into an escrow account after signing a sale contract with the seller. This payment shows the seller that the buyer is serious about purchasing the property. The contract outlines the terms of the sale, including conditions that must be met before the sale can be completed. If the buyer fails to meet these conditions, they can get their earnest payment back. However, if the buyer breaks the agreement for a reason not included in the contract, they forfeit the earnest payment.

For example, let's say John wants to buy a house from Jane. They sign a sale contract, and John puts $5,000 into an escrow account as an earnest payment. The contract states that John must get financing approval and a satisfactory home inspection before the sale can be completed. If John meets these conditions, the sale will go through, and the earnest payment will be applied to the purchase price. However, if John fails to meet these conditions, he can get his earnest payment back. If John decides not to buy the house for a reason not included in the contract, he forfeits the earnest payment.

Another example is when a buyer wants to purchase a car from a seller. They sign a sale contract, and the buyer puts $1,000 into an escrow account as an earnest payment. The contract states that the buyer must get a satisfactory inspection of the car before the sale can be completed. If the inspection goes well, the sale will go through, and the earnest payment will be applied to the purchase price. If the inspection does not go well, the buyer can get their earnest payment back.

These examples illustrate how an earnest payment works in a sale contract. It shows the seller that the buyer is serious about the purchase and provides some security for the seller. It also protects the buyer by allowing them to get their money back if certain conditions are not met.

earned surplus | earnings record


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@SirEggan: but i study on 6 hours of sleep with distractions? Lol jk solid advice
dang everyone was trying to get u back on earlier
and now you have reappeared
@HorseyMed: confidence failed me before lol Now I an like I need 180s lol
the really easy thing you can do is aggressively regulate your sleep schedule two weeks before the test
and make sure you have a normal caffeine consumption if you drink coffee
Just life for me, thanks lol
based lol
juliya blonde slim 55 yo. old doctor from my email ads says she sure I’ll fall in love with her
chat is this true?
send her your moms credit card details
Please send me your moms cc details I will use it for good (paying my bills)
send it to me so I can buy the lego concorde
“I was like, “bitch nawe,” took my gun out, and busted her hewd open wit the butt of it. I aint tryna hear that.” ^ lol
That is one of my bills a lego Concorde for you
[] erase
bros i just got a b and a b- and now have a 3.71…
Lock in
i think you get like 4 B’s in undergrad to keep a 3.9 so you still have hope
yo anyone know when app material for the next cycle gets released? I'm not trying to write supplemental things to this years questions only for them to be changed lol
I have the same question
I want to see how people wrote the new HLS statements
but I am just snoopy. I assume around august
I'm so curious about that !!
No, but you can probably prepare as of they will be more or less the same themes across the board even if different schools ask for slightly different things than this year.
Like one is either going to have an optional essay or an Interview question like “when was a time you were wrong and had to change your view/what did you learn?” Lol
interview question: is somebody gonna match my 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴?
@babybunny: Only score can
has anyone got an email notification from LawHub with a new "status update" that doesn't seem to be anything at all? All apps look the same!
yes. that happened to me last week
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