


Simple English definitions for legal terms

disproportionate impact

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A quick definition of disproportionate impact:

Disproportionate impact refers to a situation where a policy or practice affects a particular group of people more negatively than others. This can happen even if the policy or practice is not intended to discriminate. For example, a company may require all employees to work on Saturdays, which could disproportionately impact employees who observe the Sabbath. This is also known as disparate impact.

A more thorough explanation:

Disproportionate impact refers to a situation where a policy or practice appears to be neutral, but it has a negative effect on a particular group of people. This group may be defined by their race, gender, age, disability, or other characteristics.

For example, a company may require all job applicants to have a high school diploma. This policy may seem fair, but it could disproportionately impact people from low-income families who may not have had the same educational opportunities as others. This could result in fewer people from this group being hired, even if they are qualified for the job.

Another example is a city zoning law that requires all new buildings to have a certain amount of parking spaces. This policy may seem reasonable, but it could disproportionately impact people with disabilities who may not be able to drive or afford a car. This could result in fewer housing options for people with disabilities in that area.

These examples illustrate how a seemingly neutral policy or practice can have a negative impact on a particular group of people. It is important to consider the potential impact of policies and practices to ensure that they do not unfairly disadvantage certain groups.

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To be clear they could hear me but I could not hear them.
But they were nice and the interview continued as normal. So I may be overly worried.
that is such a tiny bad part do not worry ab that
technical issues definitely don't reflect poorly on u
The camera... that is what I am worried about and the cussing (I can remember if I did or did not)
I'd it went 12 times better than what you though so if ur saying it was good im sure it was GREAT!
lmao might make u memorable at least
At the end I was like there is nothing that could stop me from attending HLS [stuttering for a bit then saying] if I am accepted.
boutta show up on the first day of classes no matter what
shows commitment
When I had my HLS II, I thought I failed it hard but I got in, so I wouldn’t think too hard about it
It was funny. She gave me links for stuff I was interested in and gave me an update.
@SplitterNoQuitter: was it as bad as maybe cussing and pointing a camera at your crouch?
They told me they are interviewing this week and next, and hope that to have everything wrapped up by the end of the month.
Acceptances are coming out next week too.
My interviewer deffo understood HLS was my top choice. That was clear. Most of the questions focused on whether I would attend then short discussions about me.
"I know you give 24 hrs to accept, but I don't even need 24 hrs." they laughed.
@GreenJumbledScorpion: who did you have?
What is the best LSAT tutoring service?
Taking Blueprint for the regular course, but will need one on one tutoring as well
[] ararara
@ScandalousSeriousBaboon: Blueprint is awesome but fee waivers 7 sage/lsat demon are free! Could be that blueprint has a program for that as well now though.
[] ararara
With fee waiver approval from lsac*
@ararara: I definitely don't qualify lol. 2 years into a well paying job in California. Don't feel like I'm thriving, but on paper it says I am
that last part was so real
[] ararara
@ScandalousSeriousBaboon: they don’t just take pay into account! If you can show them some bills you have they’ll help you out!
@SquidwardsHouse: sam
[] ararara
@GreenJumbledScorpion: congratulations! Please update us with what happens!
did chag get into nyu
I haven been here in a while
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