


Simple English definitions for legal terms

date certain

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A quick definition of date certain:

A date certain is a specific day that has been chosen or appointed for a particular event or action. This could be a date that is set in a legal document like a deed or contract. In French law, it is referred to as "date certaine".

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: A specific and predetermined date, often set by a legal document such as a deed.

Example: The lease agreement stated that the tenant must vacate the premises by a date certain, which was specified as the last day of the month.

Explanation: In this example, the term "date certain" is used to refer to a specific date that was agreed upon in the lease agreement. The tenant was required to move out by this date, and there was no flexibility or room for negotiation.

date | date of record


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although the new SAVE repayment plan makes things easier, idk how permanent that program is though
But i also have 0 desire/interest in public sector work so i am probably not the best person to talk
LRAP and PSLF would never die wed have 0 workers in the public sector
and a lot of politicsns benefit from it, they wouldn't shoot themselves in the foot
damn i gotta look into pslf
Pslf is public work for 10 years and you have to make under a certain amount i believe
PSLF is rough though cause you still have to make payments for 10 years lol
dayum maybe nvm then lmao
there is no limit to how much you can make though. LRAP is when schools cover your loan payments upfront as long as you're under a certain amount income wise
Yeah idk. I wouldnt want to rely on any of these programs to not go bankrupt. I only applied to/comsidered schools where i could repay my loans fine even in govt work on the standard 10 year plan
do temple drexel and nova all fall under that umbrella spider
look closely at PSLF. There is only about a 2% conversion rate on applicants actually getting their loans forgiven.
If you are counting on it, just make sure you follow all of the requirements to a T
@GloveDontSplitUMustAcquit: for me yea. Bc i can just live with family for school & for repayment. And UNLV/UA rent is cheap af and jobs pay just as well or better than east coast
that data is old though theyve revamped policy to make it easier
@glove My rent for temple is under $600 a month w grandma. My savings will pay for that all 3 years. Live w mom and dad first year out of school, all loans paid off 😊
It still is hard from some schools to get LRAP, but I am pretty sure I read a few shifted from a 60K income limit to 75K and do not quote me, but I want ti say H/Y put in a 85/95K lower LRAP level too
@WhatItDoBayybeeee: you are correct. It has improved to 11% approval rates.
I think the program is improving as a whole. 2017 was the first year that people could actually take advantage of the forgiveness. People just need to be extra mindful to follow the guidelines of the program, because they are holding people to the letter of the law when it comes to approval.
just rob liquor stores to make loan payments
or open liquor stores. I have never seen one fail
literal money printing machines
money machine you say?
you summoned him
i was already talking to him
bull is a beautiful soul and doesn't understand the horrors of the gecs
okay maybe i was summoned sorry :)
the gecs are beautiful to me
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