


Simple English definitions for legal terms


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A quick definition of boilerplate:

Boilerplate: When people write legal documents, they often use the same words over and over again. These words are called "boilerplate." They are like a template that can be used in many different documents. Sometimes, people don't even think about what the words mean. They just use them because they are standard. However, if there is a problem, the words in the boilerplate might not be helpful. That's because they are usually written to protect the person who wrote the document, not the person who is reading it.

A more thorough explanation:

Boilerplate is a term used to describe standard language in a legal document that is used in all similar documents. It is like a template that is used over and over again. This language is often found in contracts and is not specific to any particular situation.

For example, a lease agreement may have a boilerplate clause that outlines the responsibilities of the landlord and tenant. This clause is the same in all lease agreements and is not tailored to the specific property or situation.

It is important to note that boilerplate language is usually interpreted in favor of the party who did not write the document. This means that if there is a dispute, the party who did not draft the document may have an advantage.

Overall, boilerplate language is a way to save time and effort when drafting legal documents. However, it is important to understand the implications of using this language and to make sure that it is appropriate for the specific situation.

boiler room | bona fide


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They will acquiesce
thank you trees :) good luck to you
UVA gunning for the 4.0 GPA median
hello, current 2L at NDLS. just remembered this website existed. open to answering any questions yall might have :)
@Ijustwannagetinman: congrats! I went to UCLA for undergrad and it was an awesome place to be at!
i would bet this was probably already hashed out earlier so sorry if anyone feels like they're repeating anything but how are the GULC WL people hashing out their "level of interest" response to the WL Feeler
i wish uva gave me the a. going back to va sounds fun
o well 😭
@manifestT14acceptances: i sounded like a broken record telling them the reasons why i want to attend gulc
ok so true bestie
manifesting the a's for us bestie
thank you im manifesting us coincidentally being in the same long line for Baked and Wired cupcakes as a reward for doing well in class
@manifestT14acceptances: ok i know this is controversial, but i prefer georgetown cupcake over baked and wired im sorry
i like the cupcake to frosting ratio better at georgetown cupcake. and their peanut butter lava fudge slaps
@cowboygorillas: what do you want to do after law school, both short-term and long-term? And are you happy with how likely NDLS is to get you there?
you know ive actually never tried georgetown cupcake and im sure at some point living in dc i would have to so im manifesting us coincedentally being in the same line for georgetown cupcake too
georgetown cupcake is extremely overrated. Baked and wired is way better
@manifestT14acceptances: I told them I scored much higher on the April test after they told me i was on the non-preferred WL and I was going to keep my options open for next cycle
i love that for you swabian
yay swab!
@MindlessUsefulFox: i'm sorry, i will forever be a georgetown cupcake glazer
@manifestT14acceptances: love that for us!!
i like the baked and wired brownies tho (if they still even sell them)
@TheValiantSwabian: congrats on yls a!! i didn't except yls to even pull from their wl
[] ararara
[] ararara
@TheValiantSwabian: yayy 🥳 that’s the energy how’s that for a grand finale 🥂 🔥🔥🔥🔥
[] ararara
You 🫵 miss or sir are going extremely hard!
has anyone had the ucla WL interview yet?
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