


Simple English definitions for legal terms

badger game

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A quick definition of badger game:

Term: Badger Game

Definition: The badger game is a trick used to get money or other benefits from someone by setting them up in a compromising situation and then threatening to expose their behavior. For example, a person may be lured into a situation with a woman who is pretending to be interested in them, only to have her husband or accomplice show up and demand payment to keep quiet. It is a form of blackmail and can be illegal.

A more thorough explanation:

A badger game is a type of scheme where someone tries to extort money or some other benefit from another person by setting them up in a compromising situation and then threatening to expose their behavior to the public.

For example, a woman might pretend to be interested in a man and lure him into a hotel room. Once they are alone, her accomplice bursts in and claims to be her husband, demanding money in exchange for not pressing charges or exposing the man's behavior to his family or friends.

Another example could be a group of people who invite someone to a party and then secretly record them engaging in illegal or embarrassing behavior. They then use this footage to blackmail the person into giving them money or other benefits.

These examples illustrate how a badger game works by using deception and coercion to manipulate someone into giving up something of value. It is important to be aware of these types of schemes and to avoid situations that could potentially be used against you.

badge of slavery | bad-man theory


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I hear some say 1x per month.
I hear others say more frequently
depends on the school! NU said once a week, UVA said never
And if I have nothing new to say in a LOCI, do I just write a presumably pretty short one that reiterates my interest?
And one more question. Can these just be emails or do they all have to be uploaded to the application status checker?
I know some schools have the latter as an option
just keep them updated if plans change. I emailed UVA when I got Mich and told them I had a new deadline and I got the II 2 days later
I'd just do whatever they say, Cornell I know is a status check upload as well as NU
UVA was a form, Mich and GULC I emailed
I think some don't specify, but maybe I missed it.
for some of them
if they don't specify and they don't have a spot in the status checker I'd email and ask
Another factor here is how badly I really want to get off a waitlist. If I wanted it really badly, that would be one thing. I mean, I do want it. But I'm happy enough going to BU. Maybe I should try to convince myself that I really, really have to get in off the WL somewhere... (also, maxed out on messages in this chat, 15/15)
[] shereallysaidmeganslaw
if I sent cls a LOCI at the beginning of the month, is it too soon to send another one?
Going to reach out to someone I know who went to GULC now. Thanks for the advice, Split.
Send it b
did u make a decision yet?
click on her profile she did
@shereallysaidmeganslaw: im in a similar situation, i called earlier this week and asked. the adcom i spoke to said def send, some people have 2-3 already
@Hellwoods2025: u right dumb q on my end
congrats on UVA @split!!!!
nah I was just letting you know since I think she left
[] shereallysaidmeganslaw
2-3??! thats wild, I was just put on the WL in late april
I just wrote my second one to CLS
same! i sent one may 8 and sent another today as a result
[] shereallysaidmeganslaw
i feel like the bernie sanders meme every time i write a Loci, "I AM ONCE AGAIN ASKING"
i noted i sent one recently tho and had a different focus this time
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