


Simple English definitions for legal terms

assets in hand

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A quick definition of assets in hand:

Assets in hand refer to items that a person or company owns and has value. These can include cash, inventory, equipment, real estate, accounts receivable, and goodwill. It can also refer to all the property of a person that is available for paying debts or for distribution. For example, when someone passes away, their assets in hand would be used to pay off any debts they owed.

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: Assets in hand refer to items that are owned and have value. It can also refer to the entries on a balance sheet showing the items of property owned, including cash, inventory, equipment, real estate, accounts receivable, and goodwill. Additionally, it can refer to all the property of a person (especially a bankrupt or deceased person) available for paying debts or for distribution.


  • A company's inventory is an asset in hand because it is owned and has value.
  • Cash on hand is also an asset in hand because it is owned and has value.
  • Accounts receivable, which are amounts owed to a company by its customers, are also considered assets in hand because they have value and can be collected in the future.

These examples illustrate assets in hand because they are all items that are owned and have value, which is the main characteristic of an asset in hand.

assets entre main | assets per descent


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ahh sorry to hear that but glad you have a good plan
!!!! Congrats!
Now i will just be another student 🤓
but youll still be beautiful smart and funny king
put this in OT by mistake but i just saw someone on lsd ask if prestige is worth 300k in debt over a full ride lol
I still have 1 year of eligibility left. Too bad my law school doesnt have my sport haha
like yeah.. maybe if its a t14 vs like, syracuse
zamn lol
but if its like.... ucla vs vandy idk about that one
@CondemnedPuffyGnome: Yup. It's all good!
@CondemnedPuffyGnome: funny seeing you on here again lol
I don’t think 300k debt is worth it over even a t100 full ride with 8/9% interest personally but
I am envious of your certainty. I'm still in limbo unfortunately
i would only take on 300k for HYS and Chi
of course they did not give me that option so easier said now
does usc send emails out all at once?
Still waiting for Notre Dame
@SpookyRapidBunny: seems like a lot of us got the R/WL at the same time
@CrowdedStingyMandrill: hmm i went ur at similar time but don't have an email... doubt I will get in so I am just waiting for it haha
Take all My Money, all My Followers but Nobody can Take this. I Am Jeremy Fragrance The Number 1 Fragrance Icon That FOLLOWS The Teachings Of Jesus. #jeremy (not going to finish this hashtag so you understand that jesus is whats Relevant.)
@SpookyRapidBunny: Sounds like you dodged the R/WL's... I think thats a good sign!
@OptimisticOutlier: oh thats shady, in session 2 they said there would be merit aid but limited need based
waiting til late may to R people is psycho behavior, fuck USC
a signifier is that which represents a subject for another signifier, in opposition to the sign, which represents something for someone
@CrowdedStingyMandrill ehh we will see! Thanks :)
if you don't understand semiotics by your mid 20's you're ngmi
I almost ED’d to usc till i saw tuition was 75k a year lol
I almost ED’d to usc till i saw tuition was 75k a year lol
USC is in the ghetto anyways lmaooo
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