


Simple English definitions for legal terms

advocacy of illegal action

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A quick definition of advocacy of illegal action :

The advocacy of illegal action is when someone encourages others to do something that is against the law. This type of speech is not protected by the First Amendment, which is a law that protects free speech in the United States. The Supreme Court has ruled that only speech that is intended to and likely to incite immediate lawless action can be punished. This means that people can talk about breaking the law, but they cannot encourage others to do it right away. This is called the "Brandenburg Test," and it is the rule that decides whether speech that advocates illegal action is protected under the First Amendment.

A more thorough explanation:

The advocacy of illegal action refers to speech that promotes or encourages illegal behavior. This type of speech is not protected by the First Amendment, which guarantees freedom of speech in the United States.

For example, if someone gives a speech urging people to commit acts of violence or to break the law, they could be prosecuted for advocating illegal action. However, the Supreme Court has established a test to determine when speech crosses the line from protected speech to illegal advocacy.

The Brandenburg Test, established in the case of Brandenburg v. Ohio, requires that speech must be intended to incite or produce imminent lawless action, and likely to incite such action, in order to be punishable by law. This means that simply expressing an opinion or advocating for a cause, even if it is controversial or unpopular, is protected by the First Amendment.

For example, if someone gives a speech advocating for the legalization of marijuana, this would be protected speech because it does not meet the criteria of the Brandenburg Test. However, if someone gives a speech urging people to start a riot or to commit acts of terrorism, this would not be protected speech because it meets the criteria of the Brandenburg Test.

In summary, while the First Amendment protects freedom of speech, the advocacy of illegal action is not protected. The Brandenburg Test is used to determine when speech crosses the line from protected speech to illegal advocacy.

advisory opinion | advocate


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why does not depositing at a school i like feel kinda like breaking up with someone
I was PTing in the high 170s before my second test so I know I am capable - just need to lock in and keep working!
but also I am not giving up hope yet either! will continue to go hard at the schools that I want now
for sure!!!that's awesome best of luck!!
thank u!
@manifestT14acceptances: it’s not you it’s them
i just want a great score :/
can i ask if youve taken a diagnostic? sorry if you shared already
@GloveDontSplitUMustAcquit: i believe in u
if u ain’t a hoe get up out my trap house!!!
-- The great poet Bobby Shmurda (he looks like tom cruise)
@manifestT14acceptances: my diagnostic was 154 fwiw 9 hours later
@GreenJumbledScorpion: ily
[] ararara
Scorpion is a big ol legend for people who don’t know! This user only applied to one or two of HYS and was admitted! This is the hype like crazy! Also super humble from what I can tell.
Thank you guys 🥺😖😖
@GreenJumbledScorpion: Curious but why didn't you apply to other top schools like Stanford and UChicago? Congrats btw!
Didn’t wanna stay in Cali or go to Chicago. Nothing special about them that really merited the extra effort.
oh idgaf about harvard I just like talking about music with my friends from the internet
no idea how I found this site since I went to med school
@babybunny: thoughts on 50 cent
@Coffeeman: hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
maybe just the right google search
@GreenJumbledScorpion: have you seen the movie anatomy of a fall? major element of the plot is an instrumental version of P.I.M.P. lol
I will have to check it out
Anyone still waiting for Notre Dame
or OSU
last i checked there was a good handful of people waiting for OSU still, particularly February applicants
@GloveDontSplitUMustAcquit: that's excellent i am excited for you :)
@babybunny: what'd you think of the movie?
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