


Simple English definitions for legal terms

adverse possession

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A quick definition of adverse possession:

Adverse possession is when someone takes control of land that belongs to someone else and uses it as their own for a long time. If they do this for a certain amount of time, they can become the legal owner of the land. To do this, they must use the land continuously, without sharing it with anyone else, and in a way that is obvious to the real owner. The real owner must not give permission for the person to use the land. The amount of time needed to become the legal owner varies depending on where you live.

A more thorough explanation:

Adverse possession is a legal concept that allows a person to gain ownership of someone else's property if they meet certain requirements and have been in possession of the property for a certain period of time.

  • Continuous: The adverse possessor must maintain continuous possession of the property. This means that they must use the property as if they were the actual owner and not share control of the property with anyone else.
  • Hostile: The possession must infringe on the rights of the true owner. This means that the adverse possessor must use the property without the true owner's consent or license.
  • Open and Notorious: The possession must be obvious to anyone who bothers to look, so as to put the true owner on notice that a trespasser is in possession.
  • Actual: The adverse possessor must actually be in possession of someone else's property.
  • Exclusive: The adverse possessor must exclude others from possession, as if they were the actual owner.

A typical statute requires possession for 7 years, if under color of title, or 20 years if not. The threshold, however, varies by jurisdiction.

John owns a piece of land but has not used it for many years. Sarah starts using the land as a garden and maintains it for 20 years without John's permission. Sarah may be able to claim adverse possession of the land because she has met the requirements of continuous, hostile, open and notorious, actual, and exclusive possession for the required period of time.

Another example is if a person builds a fence on someone else's property and uses the land inside the fence as their own for the required period of time. If the true owner does not take action to remove the fence or challenge the adverse possession claim, the adverse possessor may be able to gain ownership of the land.

These examples illustrate how adverse possession can occur when a person uses someone else's property without permission for a certain period of time and meets the requirements for adverse possession.

adverse party | adverse witness


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tbh I think the $$$$+ you would have gotten would be worth it over your current GW offer too
Don’t feel bad about not applying duke they take like less than 10 people who apply after thanksgiving
I mean at UGA
Outside of the T14 idk if I would have picked any schools over GW. Idk I really value the networking opportunities and the age old adage of “study where ya hope to practice”
It was mostly safeties in the cities I would have liked to be in and Ohio just cuz I live here
For me personally that's just not worth 100k+ in costs
and if you think it is, that just doesnt make sense to me unless youre rich
That’s fair I luckily have no ugrad debt so I’m more willing to take on a bit for law school
a bit more.....
I said 100k+
I mean I know nothing is guaranteed but considering the opportunities GW provides in D.C. I think it’s feasible plus, not to Dox myself, I have an aunt that lives there so that’s some costs knocked off already
(That was the other reason I looked at these cities I have family in all of them)
youre gonna live with your aunt?
Possibly. She’s been looking to move into a bigger place for awhile now so idk I’ve been looking at places with her
yeah idk doesnt make sense to me. I got the 120k from GW too
and I thought it would be crazy to take that
it's just way to expensive for the outcomes
Im actually a bit offended on your behalf that you didnt get more
Idk the gov con program is extremely good and pays well plus the professors I’ve talked to have a ton of connections and will basically find you a job as long as you’re putting in the work and everything
like I have worse GPA and LSAT and got the same offer
Tbh I applied really late and my work experience is shit. My hard sell was having two disabled parents (one of which is a ward of the state now) and then my scores
i dont think the concern is that youre going to stay unemployed....
I think a good student at UGA will have close to the same opportunities as most GW students provided they network etc
and will have paid SIGNIFICANTLY less to go
I mean in DC
idk it’s too late to change my results now so I try not to dwell on what ifs if ya know what I mean
I’m not familiar enough with UGA’s programs so I can’t speak to them but all in all I’m happy with my outcomes all things considered
sure. I think UGA has a semester in DC thing
Sure it’s not ideal, but for a barista from middle of nowhere Ohio that applied in February I don’t think I have the right to complain.
sure yeah, itll work out
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