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Craft an Unforgettable Law School Personal Statement

Let Molly, your AI consultant, guide you through your law school admissions journey, providing personalized, affordable, and unlimited guidance every step of the way. Start your journey with LSAdmit today!

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LSAdmit Brainstorming

Free, Unlimited Brainstorming

Are you curious about what LSAdmit has to offer but hesitant to commit right away? We have great news for you! You can try out the first step of LSAdmit for free.

Experience a preview of LSAdmit's features by diving into a brainstorming session with Molly. This session is designed to assist you in identifying your unique personal characteristics and suitable topics for your personal statement.

To get started, all you need to do is create an LSD account. From there, Molly will guide you through the brainstorming process. We invite you to give it a try and discover the value of LSAdmit firsthand.

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Effortlessly Navigate Your Path With LSAdmit and Molly

Meet Molly, Your Dedicated AI Consultant

Molly will guide you through our interactive 8-step process, designed to highlight your unique experiences and aspirations. Our AI-powered platform delivers custom-tailored, affordable, and endless assistance for your law school personal statements. Molly stays by your side, from the initial brainstorming to the final proofreading, ensuring your personal statement leaves a lasting impact.

Let Molly demystify the personal statement process with a user-friendly, guided approach. Each stage is meticulously crafted to illuminate the heart of your story.

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1. Brainstorming

Identify your key personal characteristics and appropriate topics.

2. Outlining

Build a clear and engaging structure for your statement.

3. PS Review

Receive high-level feedback to align with admissions officers' expectations.

4. Red Flags

Eliminate issues that could interrupt the flow or tone of your writing.

5. Second Review

Enhance each paragraph with detailed feedback and suggestions.

6. Sensory Savvy

Add richness and detail to your writing for a memorable impact.

7. Clarity Check

Ensure every sentence is clear, concise, and valuable.

8. Proofreading

Perfect your statement with a final check for typos and grammar.

Why Choose LSAdmit

Traditional consulting can be expensive and limiting. LSAdmit brings you the benefits of personalized advice and unlimited revisions, at a fraction of the cost.

Our AI consultant, Molly, is available 24/7 to guide you through each step of your personal statement journey. Embrace the future of law school admissions with LSAdmit!

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Why Choose LSAdmit Over Traditional Admissions Consultants?

Affordable, Unlimited Consultation

  • Affordable and Unlimited Access: For just $19/month, LSAdmit provides unlimited access for your application cycle, delivering the expert guidance of traditional admissions consultants, but at a fraction of the cost, with no limitations on availability or slots.
  • 24/7 personalized guidance: With LSAdmit's AI consultant, Molly, you'll receive personalized, comprehensive assistance whenever you need it – whether that's at the respectable hour of 3pm or during a midnight inspiration spree at 3am!
  • Dependability beyond human limits: Molly is consistently at her best, offering unwavering high-quality guidance. Unlike human consultants, she is never tired, never grumpy, and never sick, ensuring your personal statement gets the reliable attention it deserves.
  • Unlimited revisions: Unlike human consultants, Molly adapts to your pace and offers limitless iterations of your personal statement.
  • Infinite client capacity: With Molly, there's no worry about consultant availability or scheduling conflicts as she can handle an unlimited number of clients concurrently.
  • Embracing the future: Choosing LSAdmit is choosing a groundbreaking, personalized, and cost-effective approach to admissions consulting, free from the limitations of traditional human consultants.
  • Make no mistake, you can definitely excel without a consultant. But hiring an admissions consultant provides valuable objectivity and expert guidance for your law school application, ensuring your narrative resonates with admissions officers, and giving you a competitive edge in the challenging application journey.
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Safe, Secure, Private

At LSAdmit, we take your privacy seriously. We understand the sensitivity of the information you share with us, and we are committed to maintaining the highest level of confidentiality and security.

When using LSAdmit, please rest assured that your personal data and documents will not be shared with anyone beyond LSD's team of human consultants and our AI. Even in these cases, the information shared is only used to provide you with better service and is always treated with strict confidentiality.

We also guarantee that your data is never used to train AI models. Our cutting-edge AI, Molly, has been trained on publicly available data and does not use client data for learning or improvement. This ensures that your personal information, experiences, and narratives remain completely private.

We employ state-of-the-art security measures to protect your data from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. You can confidently focus on creating an outstanding personal statement, knowing your data is safe and secure with LSAdmit.

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Affordable and Unlimited

Unlock the full potential of your law school application journey with LSAdmit for only $19. This gives you full LSD+ access and provides unlimited access to our AI consultant, Molly, to guide you in crafting your personal statement.

Experience LSAdmit and LSD+ and transform your law school application and study journey into a streamlined, comprehensive, and rewarding process.

With LSD+, gain an edge in your law school studies through access to over 50,000 case briefs and video summaries, and enjoy the convenience of direct messaging and an ad-free experience.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does the AI consultant, Molly, work in providing personalized guidance for the personal statement?

Molly works by analyzing your personal statement and providing personalized feedback, suggestions, and guidance throughout the entire process. Molly is designed to identify key personal characteristics, help you build a clear and engaging structure, and assist with revisions and proofreading.
With Molly, our AI consultant, you'll receive instant feedback and tailored suggestions for your personal statement. Typically, responses are generated within seconds or just a few minutes. Molly not only provides immediate feedback and personalized suggestions but also eliminates the long wait times associated with human consultants. You won't need to spend hours or days waiting for email responses, ensuring a streamlined and efficient personal statement process.
Yes, you can use LSAdmit for multiple personal statements. We offer unlimited guidance and revisions for your law school applications.
LSAdmit currently focuses on the personal statement aspect of law school applications. We are actively working on expanding our services to include guidance on resumes, letters of recommendation, diversity statements, LOCI, and scholarship negotiation. Stay tuned for these exciting developments, as we strive to offer a comprehensive and holistic approach to ensuring your law school application success!
LSAdmit is designed to cater to diverse applicants, including non-trads. Our AI consultant, Molly, is adept at pinpointing your distinctive experiences and qualities, ensuring that your personal statement truly stands out. In fact, one of LSData's founders and Molly's creators is a non-trad engineering applicant who successfully made it to Harvard Law School.
As you work through the LSAdmit platform, you can track your progress and status using the interactive dashboard. This will show you which steps you have completed and provide an overview of your personal statement's development.
Absolutely! You can experience a preview of LSAdmit's features by trying out the brainstorming session with Molly for free. Simply create an LSD account and let Molly assist you in identifying your unique personal characteristics and suitable topics. Give it a try and discover the value of LSAdmit firsthand.
With LSD+ access, you'll gain an edge during law school by having access to over 50,000 case briefs and video summaries. Additionally, you'll enjoy the convenience of direct messaging other LSD users and an ad-free experience, making your study journey more efficient and enjoyable.
LSAdmit takes the privacy and security of users' information very seriously. We do not sell your data to third parties. While the personal statement input you submit undergoes AI processing with OpenAI, it doesn't contribute to training new models, research, or service improvement, ensuring your personal details remain secure and confidential. In other words, the personal information you submit will never find its way into an AI model.
LSD+ which includes LSAdmit offers a 14-day free trial. Additionally, if you are not admitted to any law school during your application process after using LSAdmit, shoot us an email, and we will provide a full refund. Our goal is to support your law school application journey and ensure a positive experience.
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Pay What You Can

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Law School For All

At LSD, we firmly believe in providing an equal opportunity for all law school aspirants. We understand that the cost of preparing for law school can be a significant barrier for many people, and we're committed to addressing that concern.

If LSD+ is too expensive, just make a free LSD account and shoot us an email (myaccount@lsd.law) from the email associated with your account with what you can pay and we will send you an invoice. We need to charge something to keep trolls off of our chat rooms and DMs. We don’t need to know why LSD+ would be a financial hardship, just an email that says “Hi, my LSD username is {username}, and it is hard for me to afford LSD. I would like LSD for $XX dollars, please.” where XX is a number between 1 and 140.

We're passionate about ensuring that every aspiring law student has the tools and resources they need to succeed. Everyone deserves access to quality education, and we're doing our part to make that a reality.

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Depending on your stats the answer could also be option C, reapply next year for >50% at Tennessee/substantial $ at other good schools (most spend their scholarship budget by June 30th), but that depends on your situation and goals
Standardized info on curves is harder to find, but this says Elon curves to a 2.67 which is downright predatory https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_law_school_GPA_curves
appreciate it. i am well removed from undergrad and am pushing through for this year. have significant business experience and want to do corporate law and/or property. not educated on the curve and how that works, will look into that
questioning whether i go to school for free at a lesser school or pay some out of pocket at a better name for the same degree at end of the day, the numbers don't lie
@DisillusionedHomelessWalnut: The way the curve works is a below-median student at Tennessee (curves to a 3.1, so B/B+) can end up with a better GPA than an above-average student at Elon (curves to a 2.67/B-minus), so the student from Tennessee will have a better transcript *and* get better jobs on average than someone with the same class rank at Elon
Your real alarm bell is Elon's curve (linked here, p. 70 https://eloncdn.blob.core.windows.net/eu3/sites/996/2019/07/2017-2018_Academic_Catalog-and-Student_Handbook.pdf) *requires* profs to give 20% of first-year students a C-minus or worse, when the school's bar for "satisfactory academic progress" is a C+ average
ooooffff. thanks. i mean, full ride is cool and all, but damn
The only scenario where a school does something like that (curve to a 2.67, dismiss students below 2.25) is when they're admitting a lot of students who may not pass the bar, then flunking people out mercilessly so the school can keep its accreditation (ABA requires 75% of grads to pass the bar within two years, can't fail the bar if the school doesn't let you graduate)
the dean told me "no students had their scholarships reduced in the past three years, and to my recollection only one scholarship in 19 years has been reduced when a student was in good standing"
yeah, i get that and appreciate you validating that point. i like to think it really wouldn't apply to me and assume it happens due to the lower standards of admissions they utilize, but is it (full ride) worth the risk? that's the fly in the ointment
just trying to weigh all angles, seems like just biting the bullet and paying the modest amount to UTK is a smarter decision
end of cycle is for the birds, but i'm playing the hand i was dealt :)
In general you are going to be better off at a school that wants its students to succeed. UTK seems to fit the description - they are not in any danger of losing their accreditation, don't need to force people out. Elon very much does not, if their bar passage drops 2% they'll be in violation of ABA requirements so they won't give students any leway
i appreciate your insight, friend
im too lazy to provide the same level of detail as JB but I agree UTK seems like a better bet to actually achieve your career goals and set yourself up for success. I would understand being conflicted if it were like UTK vs Belmont or a lower ranked school that isn't considered predatory but because it's Elon that makes it more clear to me
thank you
the counterpoint bouncing around my head is basically "if i'm worth a damn, as i think i am, i'll be just fine no matter what the curve is" but you folks are nudging me in the direction of logic and common sense
plenty of the people who fall behind are worth a damn it's just that some schools are basically set up to screw people over
yeah. fall behind as in....miss homework? can't keep up with readings? something else?
kinda nervous coming in as an untraditional guy around KJD's, billy madison vibes over here
Re: costs, it's worth looking at costs all around, both schools cost (net tuition, $0 at Elon/$30K over 3 years if you're in-state at UTK) PLUS three years not earning money or advancing in your career, which is worth 6 figures if you make decent money now. $30K in tuition is a small share of total costs in this comparison
"Fall behind" in this context means law school curves are rigid, no matter how hard everyone studies half the class will be below-median, 25% in the bottom quarter, etc. It's not super predictable either, so a student above GPA or LSAT median could still end up bottom half or 1/4 of the class
gotcha. predatory in that instance is certainly appropriate
i am not kjd but im glad jb cleared that up for you lmao
And assuming similar class rank, UTK grads tend to do better in public data. Top students at UTK have a shot at biglaw (pays $225K), top students at Elon end up at small/medium firms (worse pay). Average students at UTK can get jobs at small/medium firms, average students at Elon are on the bubble for any firm job at all. Below-average students at UTK have a shot at firm jobs or other work, below-average students at Elon might not get jobs (or pass the bar, or avoid academic dismissal). That's the major advantage of well-regarded schools - more upside, less downside
but yeah just reiterating that you could be worth so many damns and still not do well because its set up for that
(This is ignoring public service/government jobs, because the stats there don't tell us much about the type of job - "super competitive Department of Justice job in DC making $90K" and "local government job earning $50K" both get lumped together under the "public service" label, but say v. different things about a school's job placement
really appreciate all the insight
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