

WVU College of Law

Rank 117 (USNWR 2024)
Median LSAT
Median GPA
Acceptance rate

Also known as

  • WVU College of Law
  • West Virginia University
  • WVU

WVU College of Law is a law school located in Morgantown, West Virginia. The school was ranked 117 in 2024 by USNWR. Annual enrollment for WVU College of Law is approximately 103.

Admissions website: https://admissions.law.wvu.edu/

Admissions email: wvulaw.admissions@mail.wvu.edu

Admissions phone: 304-293-5301

Can I get into WVU College of Law with aGPA andLSAT?

WVU College of Law Key Statistics

Previous year ABA 509 data
Percentiles 25 50 75
LSAT 152 155 158
GPA 3.33 3.68 3.86
Miscellaneous Count Percentile
# Applications 581 13
# Admissions offers 239 -
Class size 103 11
% Accepted 41.1% 52
% Yield 42.7% 92

During the 2024 application cycle, 581 people applied and 239 were offered admission.

West Virginia University has a 1L class size of 103, and yield of 42.68%. 102 out of 239 applicants who were offered admission accepted, meaning that 42.68% of the people who were offered admission ended up attending the school.

The 1L class at West Virginia University has a median LSAT of 155. The 25th percentile LSAT is 152 and the 75th percentile LSAT is 158.

The median GPA is 3.59. The 25th percentile GPA is 3.25 and the 75th percentile GPA is 3.88.

WVU College of Law LSAT & GPA graph for 2022-2023

LSD has stats for 49 applicants for the 2022-2023 application cycle.

The graphs show applicant results plotted against GPA and LSAT. The dotted lines on the graphs represent the 25/50/75th percentiles reported by the school in their ABA 509 report from the previous year.

Each data point represents an LSD user that shared their application results for the benefit of future applicants.

Click on a data point to see that user's profile.

25th, 50th, 75th refer to percentiles from last year's admitted class

How much does WVU College of Law cost per year?

19th percentile
In-state tuition
13th percentile
Bar pass rate
41st percentile
Salary, 25th %
34th percentile
44th percentile
PI Salary
35th percentile
Employment rate
36th percentile
Grads with debt
49th percentile
Average debt
40th percentile

Cost of attending WVU College of Law

In 2024, tuition was $42,120 and the annual cost of attending was $57,590 (tuition plus living expenses).

Cost of Attendance (CoA) is the estimated total amount you will have to spend every year to go to school. Unlike tuition, CoA includes expenses like rent, food, and insurance.

WVU College of Law employment outcomes

JD graduates from West Virginia University make $75,000 (median) upon graduation if they work in the private sector. If they go into the public sector, a grad can expect to make $55,760.

52.1% of law graduates from West Virginia University go directly to work for law firms, while 16.0% clerk for a judge. 11.7% of graduates go into public interest.

64.1% of West Virginia University graduates pass the bar on their first try.

Some interesting facts about WVU College of Law

The West Virginia University College of Law, established in 1878, is the oldest professional school at West Virginia University. With a focus on justice, ethics, and professionalism, WVU Law offers premier law degree and dual-degree programs, and practice-ready experiences through law clinics and externships, guided by professors who are accomplished attorneys and distinguished legal scholars.

Our vibrant culture of excellence fosters diversity and respect, ensuring a balanced and supportive academic community within one of the nation’s leading public research universities. WVU Law prepares top lawyers and dedicated leaders for careers that span public service, private practice, government, and business.

Located in Morgantown, the College of Law is approximately 75 miles south of Pittsburgh; 200 miles from Baltimore, Cleveland, and Washington, DC; and 300 miles from Cincinnati and Philadelphia.

WVU Law has been a member of the AALS since 1914 and was fully approved by the ABA in 1923. The college has had a chapter of the Order of the Coif since 1925.

West Virginia University

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Submitted app to WVU on 1NOV, still haven’t gotten a confirmation email back as of 8NOV. Anyone else?
I had to email them to get confirmation that they received mine
Been in review since 9/21 and still no news yet.
I wonder when we are going to hear from WVU
Anything today?
My status just disappeared
Anybody get any updates today????
someone posted they got waitlisted today?
I got the A today
any update?
Hey everyone. Acceptance says scholarships should start getting offered in late January. Anybody heard from them yet?
I emailed a few days ago because the email says something different than what is posted online on the scholarships page
They said they will start awarding scholarships by the end of this month, rolling into february
Got an updated email saying scholarships would start being awarded this week. Anybody hear yet? I’m thinking they’ll probably wait until Friday.
No admit letter/scholarship info as of today (Friday) :/
Waitlisted me with LSAT 166. Cute. 😘
Waitlisted today 3.7 155
Did your scholarship info come by email or regular mail?
Accepted today was also curious about how scholarship comes.
been under review for months
anyone hear anything?
how long after the decision on admission is the scholarship decision made? Anyone know?
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