

UNC Law School

Rank 20 (USNWR 2024)
Median LSAT
Median GPA
Acceptance rate

Also known as

  • UNC Law School
  • University of North Carolina
  • UNC

UNC Law School is a law school located in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. The school was ranked 20 in 2024 by USNWR. Annual enrollment for UNC Law School is approximately 188.

Admissions website: https://law.unc.edu/admissions/

Admissions email: law_admissions@unc.edu

Admissions phone: 919.962.5109

Can I get into UNC Law School with aGPA andLSAT?

UNC Law School Key Statistics

Previous year ABA 509 data
Percentiles 25 50 75
LSAT 162 166 167
GPA 3.61 3.77 3.88
Miscellaneous Count Percentile
# Applications 2766 75
# Admissions offers 404 -
Class size 188 57
% Accepted 14.6% 93
% Yield 44.1% 94

During the 2024 application cycle, 2,766 people applied and 404 were offered admission.

University of North Carolina has a 1L class size of 188, and yield of 44.06%. 178 out of 404 applicants who were offered admission accepted, meaning that 44.06% of the people who were offered admission ended up attending the school.

The 1L class at University of North Carolina has a median LSAT of 166. The 25th percentile LSAT is 162 and the 75th percentile LSAT is 167.

The median GPA is 3.78. The 25th percentile GPA is 3.61 and the 75th percentile GPA is 3.9.

UNC Law School LSAT & GPA graph for 2022-2023

LSD has stats for 612 applicants for the 2022-2023 application cycle.

The graphs show applicant results plotted against GPA and LSAT. The dotted lines on the graphs represent the 25/50/75th percentiles reported by the school in their ABA 509 report from the previous year.

Each data point represents an LSD user that shared their application results for the benefit of future applicants.

Click on a data point to see that user's profile.

25th, 50th, 75th refer to percentiles from last year's admitted class

How much does UNC Law School cost per year?

Bar pass rate
72nd percentile
Salary, 25th %
78th percentile
86th percentile
PI Salary
44th percentile
Employment rate
94th percentile
Grads with debt
44th percentile
Average debt
46th percentile

Cost of attending UNC Law School

In 2024, tuition was $0 and the annual cost of attending was $26,368 (tuition plus living expenses).

Cost of Attendance (CoA) is the estimated total amount you will have to spend every year to go to school. Unlike tuition, CoA includes expenses like rent, food, and insurance.

UNC Law School employment outcomes

JD graduates from University of North Carolina make $118,000 (median) upon graduation if they work in the private sector. If they go into the public sector, a grad can expect to make $57,500.

59.9% of law graduates from University of North Carolina go directly to work for law firms, while 7.6% clerk for a judge. 11.7% of graduates go into public interest.

89.3% of University of North Carolina graduates pass the bar on their first try.

Some interesting facts about UNC Law School

The University of North Carolina, the first state university chartered in the United States, has offered degrees in law since 1845. The School of Law has been a member of the Association of American Law Schools since 1920 and has been an approved law school since the American Bar Association began its accreditation activities in 1923. The School of Law is one of the most outstanding institutions in the United States, and the University of North Carolina is recognized as being among the nation’s leaders in graduate and professional education. The programs at Carolina Law reflect a powerful, active commitment to the goals of teaching, scholarship, and public service.

The School of Law aims to provide a quality legal education that will prepare students to practice successfully in any jurisdiction. The three-year Juris Doctor program begins with a first-year core curriculum designed to provide a theoretical and analytical foundation for law students. The second-year curriculum provides an important bridge between the core instruction of the first year and the culminating electives, seminars, and skills-oriented instruction of the third year. Finally, in the third year, the curriculum is designed to provide a capstone for students’ legal education and begin the transition into practice.

The town of Chapel Hill, a university community, is close to the Research Triangle Park, the metropolitan and industrial centers of Greensboro and Durham, and the state capital, Raleigh. The immediate area offers an attractive blend of a strong academic atmosphere in a multicultural, cosmopolitan setting.

This school has a priority deadline.

University of North Carolina

Chat for University of North Carolina
👍 Chat vibe: 0 👎
Help us make LSD better!
Tell us what's important to you
mine says in review still
Just got put on waitlist from hold status. Good luck to y’all 🫡
wake releases tomorrow by 630 pm
UNC has 60% instaters so out of state it getes much harder to get in
oops wrong chat
feels like UNC is engaging in some serious yield protection right now
waitlisted! out of state
WL rip
mine just moved to top of lawhub
is anyone on here going to the accepted students day on Friday? I will be there
anyone had any luck with scholarship negotiation?
No unfortunately
How many people do we think are on the waitlist and what kind of movement should we expect?
when do yall think we will hear something about the waitlist
I think it'll be quite a ways away if I were to guess.
We'll definitely want to have another option or two available.
looking at previous years there will likely be one wave mid-May and another mid-June
also- went through and counted at least 20 "waitlisted" people who are attending elsewhere but just haven't set their unc status to withdrawn
They might be trying to keep their options open. Which is annoying to me but understandable I guess. Take your T14 and give us your spot plz lmao.
Good recon work
are we expecting there to be a wave beginning or middle of may?
If my LSAT writing status is "Complete" does that mean it was accepted?
i believe so. you’ll get an email when it is
did anyone else receive a waitlist update email saying they'd offered around 12 spots and don't expect to offer any more until after 2nd deposit deadline?
Are offers being sent out now that the second seat deposit has passed?
Congrats to those that got in
Hi everyone, I haven't logged into this account since...2021? Quick question for the group - in general, are LSAT scores going up or down since 2021?
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