

Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico School of Law

Rank 178 (USNWR 2024)
Median LSAT
Median GPA
Acceptance rate

Also known as

  • Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico School of Law
  • Pontifical Catholic University

Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico School of Law is a law school located in Ponce, Puerto Rico. The school was ranked 178 in 2024 by USNWR. Annual enrollment for Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico School of Law is approximately 157.

Admissions website: http://www.pucpr.edu/derecho

Admissions email: derecho@email.pucpr.edu

Admissions phone: 787.841.2000

Can I get into Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico School of Law with aGPA andLSAT?

Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico School of Law Key Statistics

Previous year ABA 509 data
Percentiles 25 50 75
LSAT 132 135 139
GPA 2.77 3.26 3.49
Miscellaneous Count Percentile
# Applications 382 2
# Admissions offers 215 -
Class size 157 43
% Accepted 56.3% 20
% Yield 73.0% 100

During the 2024 application cycle, 382 people applied and 215 were offered admission.

Pontifical Catholic University has a 1L class size of 157, and yield of 73.02%. 157 out of 215 applicants who were offered admission accepted, meaning that 73.02% of the people who were offered admission ended up attending the school.

The 1L class at Pontifical Catholic University has a median LSAT of 138. The 25th percentile LSAT is 135 and the 75th percentile LSAT is 141.

The median GPA is 3.32. The 25th percentile GPA is 2.92 and the 75th percentile GPA is 3.63.

Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico School of Law LSAT & GPA graph for 2022-2023

LSD has stats for 0 applicants for the 2022-2023 application cycle.

The graphs show applicant results plotted against GPA and LSAT. The dotted lines on the graphs represent the 25/50/75th percentiles reported by the school in their ABA 509 report from the previous year.

Each data point represents an LSD user that shared their application results for the benefit of future applicants.

Click on a data point to see that user's profile.

25th, 50th, 75th refer to percentiles from last year's admitted class

How much does Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico School of Law cost per year?

1st percentile
1st percentile
Bar pass rate
19th percentile

Cost of attending Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico School of Law

In 2024, tuition was $17,108 and the annual cost of attending was $37,835 (tuition plus living expenses).

Cost of Attendance (CoA) is the estimated total amount you will have to spend every year to go to school. Unlike tuition, CoA includes expenses like rent, food, and insurance.

Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico School of Law employment outcomes

29.5% of Pontifical Catholic University graduates pass the bar on their first try.

Some interesting facts about Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico School of Law

The School of Law of the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico was founded in 1961. It is located within the main campus of the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, on the southern part of the island in the historical city of Ponce, one of the most beautiful places in Puerto Rico.

The primary objective of the Pontifical Catholic University School of Law is the formation of lawyers imbued with a deep love and concern for their Catholic faith and imbedded in the redeeming truths of Christian philosophy and ethics. The law school of the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico hopes to contribute to upholding the high ethical, cultural, and literary accomplishments of the Puerto Rican bar, which historically represents a tradition of moral austerity, intellectual achievement, and professional competence.

Pontifical Catholic University

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