


Simple English definitions for legal terms

ordinary negligence

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A quick definition of ordinary negligence:

Ordinary negligence is when someone doesn't take enough care to prevent harm to others. It's not on purpose, but they still didn't do enough to keep people safe. This can lead to a lawsuit if someone gets hurt because of their negligence. It's different from gross negligence, which is when someone is really careless and reckless.

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: Ordinary negligence is the failure to exercise the standard of care that a reasonably prudent person would have exercised in a similar situation. It refers to any conduct that falls below the legal standard established to protect others against unreasonable risk of harm, except for conduct that is intentionally, wantonly, or willfully disregardful of others' rights. The term denotes culpable carelessness.

Examples: An example of ordinary negligence is a driver who fails to stop at a red light and causes an accident. Another example is a store owner who fails to clean up a spill on the floor, causing a customer to slip and fall.

Explanation: In both examples, the individuals failed to exercise the standard of care that a reasonably prudent person would have exercised in a similar situation. Their conduct fell below the legal standard established to protect others against unreasonable risk of harm, and they were culpably careless. As a result, they may be held liable for any damages caused by their negligence.

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[] ararara
Congrats both! Do your best.
@GreenJumbledScorpion: feel free to DM me on reddit. u/TexASS42069
Can share you my interview questions
@ararara: Thanks!!!!
Will do
Last cycle's 100% A rate from WL interviews seems like an outlier - 20-21 and 21-22 had a mix of As, Rs, WLs, data on here is a small sample so weird stuff happens - but it's definitely a good sign
Even then, the amount of R's seem for people with an HLS II off the WL. Plus didn't spivey say to expect more WL movement this cycle.
The people that didn’t get it from those precious cycles said in reddit threads that they were non-commital in the interview. Like multiple of them. I’m a reapplicant from the 2020-21 cycle and I rode the HLS WL and followed it like a hawk back then
If I get the feeler call I low-key wanna tell them that it would take an act of god to get me to say no to an offer.
That’s honestly what they wanna hear
They don’t want to waste an offer at the WL stage
But should I explicitly say that...
Honestly sounds low key authentic
In an endearingn way
It also sounds desperate ngl. Idk but I deffo can say 10000% percent.
I think my "why Harvard" was similar. I said something along the lines of "A lot of people grow up dreaming of coming to this school, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't one of them. Even more than that, though, the size of Harvard's class brings with it a diversity of backgrounds and thought that you can't find as easily anywhere else. I remember reading about conservative students in the past enjoying now-Senator Elizabeth Warren's classes when she taught here. That coupled with Harvard having the highest student veteran population of any school make it a natural fit."
I have something like that too. I spoke to someone from HLS and they spoke about the collegiality at HLS and how they like diversity of thought. I also liked the large alumni base. I also mentioned their clinics in my essay and fedsoc.
Lowkey feel like they did not read my LOCI before sending me the invite.
@SquidwardsHouse: why HLS over YLS?
Happy to do a mock interview with you/MetroHero if yall want. Doing it with the two veterans too over the weekend
I view Harvard, Yale and UVA as peers for what I want to do long-term and ultimately went with where I thought I’d be happiest. A bigger class in a big city with the benefits of the mic-dropping name and unbeatable alumni base
I think at a certain point in the rankings, chasing the USNWR higher numbered school is asinine.
I liked Yale's small class size plus akhil amar
It low key felt like a high school when I visited for ASP, ngl. Loved the people there tho. Just not my thing. And the dating scene in New Haven was…not good. The current students said it sucked ass
Soo HLS got all the baddies? Gonna tell my interviewer that's why I wanna attend
LOL, not what I mean exactly. New Haven’s dating pool is incredibly small and people had to extend their radiuses to NYC and Boston to find people. More than a few current students said that
Should I go clean shaven for the interview?
Be professionally presentable, whatever that means to you. For me, I wore a suit to every interview unless they specified otherwise (Yale says business casual)
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