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A quick definition of defacere:

Term: defacere

Definition: Defacere is another word for diffacere, which means to deface or spoil something by damaging or disfiguring it. It is like drawing on a picture or scratching a surface to make it look worse.

A more thorough explanation:


Defacere is a Latin word that means to deface or disfigure something. It is similar to the word "diffacere."

  • The graffiti artist defaced the wall with spray paint.
  • The vandals defaced the statue by chipping away at its features.

These examples show how defacere is used to describe the act of intentionally damaging or altering the appearance of something. In both cases, the wall and statue were changed in a way that made them look worse or less valuable.

deface | de facto adoption


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Re: GULC WL session
i didnt get it but i believe i received the wl notif after the email went out which like, fair
It *is* somewhat tricky to plan waitlists, because there are a whole bunch of subgroups you need there. Not just the stats you need to tune and needs people fill (URM, veteran, regional balance, international, STEM), but buckets like "These are the specific STEM majors we might take if we have a bunch of STEM majors go elsewhere, and we've locked down our GPA median, and we need to shore up our LSAT median, and our aid budget is almost exhausted so we need people that would accept a waitlist A with minimal aid (not the 180s)
And how much "padding" you need in your waitlist is inversely related to how patient applicants will be for that school (HYS can cover their bases with a small waitlist because most people on the list would drop everything and commit; Georgetown needs a large waitlist because a lot of people on their list will end up with better options)
But even understanding why schools do this, the result sucks for anyone on the WL
kimchi queen if you see this im sorry but i dont have the talent to paint birds on my nails and i have shaky hands today so i went with skittle nails
@manifestT14acceptances: Haha no need to apologize! Skittles and candy style nail art is super cute!
Just praying for the WL gods now :(
Oh damn penn wtf sorry to everyone that got hit
@KimchiQueen: thank you i do like how they came out i always feel bad fielding suggestions and then doing something else
Suggestions can always be used next time! No need to feel bad :)
any idea if we will hear from usc today?
even if it is an R, I just want to know. I want my cycle over so badly
@jb2028: how many people are part of the hls slack rn?
@anxiouslydiligentmeerkat: Are you on the USC waitlist?
@fizzyyogurtdrink: I haven't even received my initial decision
@anxiouslydiligentmeerkat: Hopefully, you will hear from them soon. I'm hoping to get off the waitlist :/
I'm so glad I'm deposited somewhere I'd be reasonably happy to go to, even though I'm going to wait out some waitlists. If I were waiting out waitlists without any As, or any As at schools I have the slightest interest in, that'd be rough.
guys if i got a uva ii off the waitlist is that like a good sign or…
and will they get back to me before the gulc deadline 💔
[] ararara
@eggbagel: that’s a very good sign and based on what I’ve seen people say they’re quick with their turnaround time on giving out a final decision following interviews at this point in the cycle (uva) so congratulations that’s amazing!
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bruvs am i done in if i end up with a 3.8ish? i really would like to aim for t14s
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also i am so happy, i got college to pay for my lsat prep materials ($1200+)!!
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*got my
Can’t speak for T14s, it’s definitely possible to get As with a 3.8 in the T30 range.
Oof over 9% interest on grad plus loan💀💀
Does anyone know if master's GPA is looked at?
strong masters gpa is basically a soft
ugh that is annoying, thank you!
it's still something to make your applications stand out though!
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