


Simple English definitions for legal terms

Cruzan v. Missouri Department of Health (1990)

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A quick definition of Cruzan v. Missouri Department of Health (1990):

Cruzan v. Missouri Department of Health (1990) was a court case about a young adult who was unable to make decisions for themselves and the right to die. The court had to decide if the state of Missouri could require strong evidence that the young adult wanted to be taken off life support. The court decided that while people who can make their own decisions have the right to refuse medical treatment, it is different for people who cannot make decisions for themselves. The court agreed with Missouri's rule that there must be very strong evidence that the young adult would want to be taken off life support. This is because family members might make decisions that the young adult would not have wanted.

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: Cruzan v. Missouri Department of Health (1990) was a case heard by the United States Supreme Court that dealt with the "right to die." The case involved a young adult who was unable to make their own medical decisions and whether the state of Missouri could require "clear and convincing evidence" of the patient's wish to remove life support.

Background: The main issue in this case was whether the state of Missouri was violating the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment by refusing to remove the patient from life support. The Due Process Clause states that no state can deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. The Supreme Court decided that while competent individuals have the right to refuse medical treatment, the circumstances were different for incompetent individuals. The Court supported Missouri's higher standard of evidence for whether the incompetent individual would want to refuse medical treatment if they were able to make their own decisions.

Example: In Cruzan v. Missouri Department of Health, the patient, Nancy Cruzan, was in a persistent vegetative state and unable to make her own medical decisions. Her family wanted to remove her from life support, but the state of Missouri required "clear and convincing evidence" of her wish to do so. The Supreme Court ultimately upheld Missouri's requirement for higher evidence, stating that family members may make decisions that the patient would not have wanted.

Explanation: The example illustrates the main issue in the case and how it applied to the specific situation of Nancy Cruzan. It shows how the state of Missouri required a higher standard of evidence for removing life support from an incompetent individual and how the Supreme Court supported this requirement. It also highlights the importance of considering the wishes of the patient, even if they are unable to express them themselves.

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it could be tmrw for what its worth!!
i think i recall last time this happened, you got an update the next day
Im thinking 3-10 days but I certainly will be happier if it’s tomorrow (or today 🤪). But the last time this happened in May it was a three day turnaround and the email they sent a week ago said June so idk
The funny thing is this last week was the first week I made my peace with waiting my screen time literally went back to normal after being literally double towards the end of last month and I finally got it down
… so much for that effort
well it is past 5 so I would assume no news today
but who knows what andrew is up to
Vandy be for real
@poocloset r u legit
Do i call vandy
Like how r u guys so calm when u wait
don't call
poo is not real lol
my calm comes from accepting that there is nothing else I can do atp
@CallHerDaddy: prescription drug abuse
should i get a spicy mcchicken with a crispy diet coke? someone say yes bc im gonna do it anyway
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what r ur goals, aspirations, dreams
if i were from arizona id go to asu, if i was fine with staying there
@Hellwoods2025: why why do u know me so well
Like how did you know
Like actually what the fuck
U saying that made me more anxious
so weird that I can only see some hell messages lol
@CallHerDaddy: lmao my advice is always just degen behavior, guess it resonates haha
@trees1234567: shadowban lol
hate that
I’ve always seen Hells messages I think
Other than when ya were banned ofc
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