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Decide if you are going to take the LSAT or GRE December 1-31

Every ABA accredited law school accepts the LSAT and more and more accept the GRE. A strong LSAT score is valuable to law schools because that is what they report to USNews and other ranking programs. If you are planning to only take the GRE, then you can mark the next couple steps as complete becasue they are LSAT specific.

Take a diagnostic LSAT December 1-31

A diagnostic LSAT is the best place to start. Your score on the diagnostic is not very important. What really matters is how comfortable you feel with each section so that you can decide if you want to use a prep course, a 1-on-1 tutor, or study on your own. You can find a free diagnositic on Khan academy. This is also a good time to make an account on LSAC.org because you will be using that site a lot. Making an account is free but there are fees you will have to pay too LSAC to do much else.

Decide which LSAT(s) you are going to take December 1-31

This is the first point where you can actually plan out the next weeks/months/years. In the whole process, you have the least control over the LSAT dates, so they are good thing to use to plan everything else.

Apply for a LSAC fee waiver January 1-31

Not everyone is eligible for an LSAC fee waiver, but this is an important step. If the ~$1500 dollars it costs to apply to law school is going to be a financial burden then we recommend applying for a fee waiver. You might not get it, but it can't hurt to try. The LSAC will not issue any refunds if you are approved for a waiver after you pay for something, so apply for a waiver early.

Make a plan to study for the LSAT January 1-31

Everyone's schedule will be slightly different based on how you are going to prepare (self, course, or tutor) but the important thing is making a plan

Register for the LSAT(s) that you plan to take January 1-31

You can register for the LSAT about a year out and the deadline is typically one month in advance of the test.

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🐁 muad dib
Just finished my NU WL interview.
Now I'm going to go watch an NBA game.
double yay!
Sorry for rehashing my earlier paranoia my anxiety disorder is bad tonight. Sending a two sentence email this evening basically stating in no uncertain, completely absolute terms, far more concrete than I ever have before, that I’ll attend if admitted off the WL isn’t gonna shoot me in the foot because I sent my larger LOCI when they asked for it last week right? Like this is when I originally planned to send my LOCI and so I now feel I kinda rushed it before since they requested it
Like they’re not gonna think this is sloppy right? I basically just said I was so excited to tell them all the things I love about their program I felt like my commitment was lost in the sauce (tho worded way better obviously)
It looks sloppy but the benefit from stating clearly you’ll attend probably heavily outweighs that
You could wait until next month and add it to your next loci but you might get culled next week without stating that
Thank you. Now to not reach out until June I guess at which point I’ll just say what I said before remains true
i think they care more about your interest. idk if it looks sloppy or not but even if it did i doubt it would matter to them all that much so long as you handle the rest of waitlist season well
Wait, let me see if I understand. You at some point in the past (and possibly in the recent past?) wrote a LOCI for a law school that did not say that you would absolutely attend if admitted. You sent that LOCI in part because the school wanted you to send one by that date. Then, you later sent a LOCI to the same school that said that you will absolutely attend if admitted.
Is that what happened?
If the dates of the first and second LOCI are not far apart, I agree it's "sloppy" but I also agree that sloppiness is not going to matter all that much
objection your honor leading question
Objection yaks 🐲🦥🦜
My LOCI was mainly what I was excited about and a work update I realized only my first two sentences really said anything in terms of commitment and tho I said if offered id accept and attend immediately that was like it. Like full stop to that.
ok gn for real yall best of luck
Telling them you’re guaranteed to attend is like +100 and being a teeny bit sloppy is like -10. So you’re at like +90 :p
I see. I'm not sure how much firmer a commitment you could make to go than to say you'd accept and attend immediately if admitted.
Gn bestie 🦫
Is that, like, the firmest commitment possible?
rooting for you all :^)
You don't need to repeat that commitment sentence after sentence after sentence in a LOCI, I would say
Oh wait you said specifically if offered you’d accept and attend immediately? That’s all you gotta say
So what happened was I was drafting the LOCI, they sent an email saying “let us know by Thursday your willingness to attend” and in that LOCI, which was submitted on 4/23, I said I’d attend if accepted. In the email tonight I said I’d attend even if I wasn’t offered a scholarship and that they’re my top choice (yeah I somehow didn’t explicitly say that the first time)
I see. If that's what happened, then I actually retract my previous point that what you did was even so much as sloppy. I don't think this is sloppy at all.
I hadn’t planned to submit it for another few days so I spent the entire night after they sent out the feeler finishing it to send it in
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